Chapter 6

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Sierra made sure she helped Emma out with cooking and laundry over the next few days. She'd learnt her lesson from attempting to make dinner on legs that didn't work. She fell in the kitchen multiple times, and Emma had a fine time laughing and calling her a baby. She was much like Emilie. They were ruthless the same.

They trained all day, every day, for the following week, and even though Sierra could say she was improving, she still had to admit that it hurt. She just wasn't built for this type of thing. Today, though, she was insistent that she needed a break. "It's Saturday." She followed Emma into the bedroom, trying to convince her. "Please. We've been training all week and have done nothing fun at all."

Emma scuffed. "People are trying to kill you, Sierra. How can you think about fun?"

"Well, I will not be depressed about it. If I'm going to die, I'd like to die happy."

Emma stopped and turned to face Sierra, making Sierra crash into her. "Alright. Tell me, what do you consider fun?"

Sierra smirked, unbothered by their closeness. They'd been sharing a bed for a week, and each morning would wake up cuddling. Sierra tried to get Emma to sleep on the couch, but Emma was as stubborn as a mule. She complained that the couch was uncomfortable, and unfortunately, Sierra had to agree. So they were stuck in a bed with no choice but to get comfortable with each other. 

"Anything that makes your heart beat fast." Sierra finally answered.

Now it was Emma's time to smirk. "I know the perfect thing, then. But we have to do some armoury training first."

Sierra groaned. "All you do is train, train, train!"

"And all you do is whine. Baby!" She picked up a pistol and stretched it to Sierra but quickly dragged it back with a sceptical look. "Do you know anything about guns?"

Sierra rolled her eyes. "I was FBI, Emma. Still am. I'm not useless, just rusty."

She took the gun from Emma's hand and released the mag instantly. It was way too light in her hand, so she'd suspected it wasn't loaded. To be sure, she pulled the slide and saw an empty chamber. She was right. She looked at Emma with a bored expression. "You gave me an empty gun."

"I didn't want you to shoot yourself, or worse, me." She replied, taking up a loaded magazine and handing it to Sierra.

Sierra inserted it, cranking the shaft and pointing the gun at Emma's head with a smile. Emma took a step back, but she couldn't help feeling proud. Just as quickly as the feeling consumed her, she pushed it aside, took the gun from Sierra's hand, and pointed it back at her head.

It was quick; it had to be, or else she risked being shot. But Sierra was quicker. She moved like lightning to eject the magazine whilst the gun remained in Emma's hand. She went a step further to eject the bullet she knew would still be in the chamber before she flashed Emma a toothy smile and slid the magazine into her waistband.

Emma stared back at her, awe-stricken. She had seen nothing so sexy in her life, and, God, she wanted more.

"I told you, Em. I'm not an idiot, just rusty." Sierra whispered in Emma's ear on her way to the back door.

Emma shivered, finally lowering the gun, but she still couldn't move. It was the first time somebody disarmed her, and it wasn't like they didn't dare. Not to mention the jelly-like feeling she now had in her legs, caused by Sierra's breath against her skin. She couldn't move, else she risked falling into a puddle.

"You coming, or are you still too busy drooling?"

"Still busy."

After grabbing her 9mm Glock, Emma followed Sierra out the backdoor. She was still dazed by Sierra's disarming, which, by the looks of things, she probably wouldn't get over. Ever.

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