Part one. The beginning of the end.

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Court session, March 5, 2012. Five-year-old you are sitting in the nursery, playing with a stuffed cat. Your parents are in the courtroom right now. Why is everything like this? I'll explain now.

Everything used to be fine: you had a friendly good family. Well, heh, there was... It all started when your mom took a lover. You didn't understand why your dad goes to work, and a completely different man comes home and forgives calling himself a father. Mom ordered you not to tell Dad about this "uncle", but you did.... After that, the father "kindly" met this man, and then filed for divorce...

You don't realize yet that this is just the beginning of your problems... A woman came into the playroom and called you to the courtroom.

??? - T/i, we need to go. Your name was Dad and Mom, let's go, let's go.
T/i- Auntie, what about them?
???- It's okay, baby, let's go ^^.

You were taken to the courtroom and the judge asked you to approach him. The whole hall was upholstered in smooth oak wood, and there was a bright red carpet on the floor, complementing this strangely frightening atmosphere for a child.

Judge- Your daughter has the floor!

You came up to the judge, hugging a teddy cat. He looked at you and asked a question, looking at your face:

Judge- Who do you want to stay with?
T/I- I mean? :^
Judge- You have to choose who you want to live with: Mom or Dad?

You looked at both parents. You definitely didn't want to stay with your mom, because you clearly didn't like that uncle. You loved your father more than anything in the world: he always supported you, cooked, read fairy tales in the evening. T/I asked to stand at the judicial pulpit and deliver my verdict. The judge didn't mind, he just stepped back a little.

T/I- I want to live with Dad! I don't want to see my mom with this uncle. I'll be better off with Dad!

...what price will these words cost you?!...

The years passed... You've had a wonderful time with Dad. He worked the night shift, but despite that he spent a lot of time with you. You often went to amusement parks and cafes, ate ice cream and fooled around. You completely forgot about how Dad and Mom quarreled.

However, nothing, alas, is eternal...

November 19, 2017. You came home from school, happy, with A's in your school diary. Taking out your phone, you called Dad.

T/i- Hi, Dad!
P-Hello, my sun. How was your day? How are you doing?)
T/I- Can you imagine, I have as many as two A's in mathematics and one in the outside world!
P-Wow! You're a real smart girl. Today after work I'll stop by and buy your favorite apple pie!
T/i- Are you going to work for a long time today?
P- Today I managed to get on the day shift, closer to seven in the evening I will be home. Let's celebrate your A's!
T/I- OK, I'll be waiting!

You put the phone aside and sat down to lunch. There were macaroni in the fridge and you warmed them up in the microwave, adding cheese. After lunch, you quickly did your homework and sat down in front of the TV...

You were sitting and waiting for Dad. It's already dark and you're worried. T/and decided to call him. Beeps... There was no response. The girl continued to watch TV

he's still not there...

the apartment door starts ringing. You think that it's Dad who finally came and you run to open the door, but you hear an unfamiliar voice outside the door...

???- Excuse me, but are you T/and Gerald?
T/and- Yes, I am. What do you need?
???- I'm from the police. I want to tell you not very pleasant news... Your father died in an accident 4 hours ago. He was driving home and on the way he was hit by a car that was driving in the oncoming lane.
T/i- ..... I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!...
??? - I want to introduce myself. My name is Basil Gibson (the questionnaire will be at the end of the chapter), I am a police officer, as I mentioned. Please come with me to the morgue...

...looks like your happiness is over...

You were forcibly handed over to your mother. She didn't want to see you at all or contact you in any way, but she had to.

M-Finally your dad's dead. That brute deserves to burn in hell, just like you later.
T/I- but what have I done wrong?...
M-Was born! And you violated my order not to tell your father about my true love. You've ruined my whole life, now I'm going to ruin yours! It's even good that you moved in with him, albeit for a while.
T/I- It was better for me with him, what's wrong again?
M-It's not like that. However, it does not matter, because he still threw away the horses. Oh, yes, I forgot to warn you. I had a "bag of money" with which I was able to move from Canada to America, and then quit, leave without a penny in my pocket.

You didn't say anything... From now on, your life has turned into a real nightmare, it was a pity you couldn't wake up. You have arrived in a small town called "Mandela District" by the locals. Because of your father's death, you were not yourself–always sad and drooping. Mother invited more and more new partners to visit every evening, it turned out she was a prostitute. And yes, not for the sake of "feeding the family", but for the sake of booze and expensive outfits. She gave you only ten dollars a day, and if you were not happy, she reduced your "earnings" to five dollars. Also, if you mentioned your father or said something against the will of Becca (your mom, who forgot), then she beat you. Because of this, you had permanently unhealed bruises, wounds and abrasions on your body.

There was another problem–friends. You haven't been able to get to know anyone here and make friends. At school, the situation is almost the same, only there were three only "rays of light": your best friend Amalia Billem and two other friends: Mark Heathcliff and Cesar Torres (yes, he is not an alternative here and this happens much earlier than Mark's death).

The rest of the "acquaintances" constantly mocked you because of the family, they say: "Father is rotting in the ground, and mom is a moth" or "You'll probably go all in mom." One of them is the main bully, the casanova of all schools, Justin Lyonal. He even raises his hand at you, but Mark, Amalia or Cesar sort everything out. Soon, you and Amalia went to work as couriers on bicycles, and Cesar and Mark went to distribute leaflets – everything to help you save up for a normal phone and beautiful clothes, for which you were very grateful to them. Quite often you stayed overnight at Amalia's or all together at Cesar's house.

That's such a difficult share fell on your life... It is difficult, very difficult to cope with pressure from society and a loved one. Sometimes, at home, when you couldn't go to friends, you cut your hands. But not the veins, but the back of the hand. Then, bandaging them, you went to school...

🫂Basil Gibson (minor) 🫂

Age: 35 years.

Character: unknown, because it appears only once.

Status: two years after the incident with his father, T/i died from a shootout.

Appearance: an ordinary average man with light brown hair and a small mustache and the same chin. On the arms of the sleeves of tattoos. ↓

^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^°^The first part is ready, juhu! The second one will be released soon

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The first part is ready, juhu! The second one will be released soon...
Report: 1121 words.

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