11 - mothers torment

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For some reason I actually agreed to leave the event with Theo, he drove us out to a field and we got out walking up a small hill and sat in the grass. We stayed silent for awhile just looking up at the stars.

"Look a shooting star" I pointed out. I closed my eyes and made a wish, a wish I wouldn't tell a soul.

"You know every star you see in the night sky is bigger and brighter then the sun" Theo stated.

"Really? That's cool... I didn't know you were into the stars" I say.

"Into them is probably a stretch" he chuckled.

I peeled my eyes away from the stars and looked to Theo. He had a soft smile on his face as he watched the night sky.

"Do you have any idea of who your going to chose?" I asked. I mentally slapped my self in the face realizing what I just asked.

"I have one person in mind" he smiled turning his gaze to me.

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"Come on now Mills, I can't tell you everything" he chuckled.

"Fine then" I huffed.

After watching the stars Theo agreed to take me home. I was kinda sad that I would be returning to my actual home this time and not to his.

As we pulled up to my drive way I turned to him and thanked him for the ride.

I got out and watched him drive off, I went inside and noticed all the lights off. Everyone must be sleeping thankfully so i quietly snuck up to my room and changed.

I slipped into bed and fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up feeling good, I showered and changed into work out cloths and went out for a run.

When I got home my parents and Lily sat in the dining room eating breakfast.

"Oh hello Millie, after you not coming home with Lily I thought you went back to Theodore's palace" my mom said.

"Nope" I say sitting down and grabbing some food.

I stuffed my face as my parents talked about this and that. I wasn't really interested in their conversation and instead thought about who Theo could possibly be interested in for the choosing.

After breakfast I retreated back to my room, but was shortly joined when Lily burst in.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Where did you go last night?" She asked curiously.

She was always one to be blunt and straight to the point. Sometimes I think it's aggressive and unwarranted, but I don't think she sees it that way.

"I was with Theo" I tell her.

"Doing what? Where?" She asked urging me on.

I groan and tell her what happened, she hung on to each word as if it was my dying wish. She seemed excited and happy about what she was hearing.

"It's you!" She gushed.

"What is?" I asked confused.

"Your the one!" She exclaimed. "You've spent a week at his house, he asked you to leave the event and he's always checking on you"

"That doesn't mean it's me Lily" I chuckled.

I don't wanna get my hopes up to only be crushed when he choses someone else. Until I know for sure that I'm the so called one, I'm going to stick with my gut and not get excited.

The choosingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon