1- The choosing

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It's mating season as humans would say. In reality it's the choosing, where super natural beings such as vampires, werewolves, witches and elves all gather together in a series of balls and meetings to chose a mate.

I enjoyed this time of year, seeing everyone look for the person they'll spend the rest of their lives with fills my heart. Humans go on dates and can have multiple marriages. But our kind don't do that, when we reach 25 we must find a person to spend forever with, before that we're free to date and do as we please. But after we must stay faithful and loyal to the one we chose, but just like humans that doesn't always happen, and although it's common for some to end their bond, you can never find another and the ceremony that bonds the pair together makes it so you'll feel like they'll always be a apart of you missing.

"Earth to Millie" my sister said waving her hand in front of my face.

I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to her. She had a binder full of this years bachelors and bachelorettes in front her. I zoned out while we were flipping through the binder.

"Sorry" I say sheepishly.

"Back to what I was saying, who do you think you'll pick?" She asked.

"I don't know, I haven't really met anyone yet" I tell her.

"True, well how about Argus?" She asked flipping the page of the binder and revealing an elf boy.

"Argus really? Not happening, remember when we were younger and he cut my hair"

We start laughing remembering that day. I had to cut basically all my hair off and he ended up getting his head shaved by his dad for punishment. It was great!

"Okay okay, no Argus... how about him?" She questioned sounding giddy.

I looked down to the page and it was opened to prince Theodore Cox. He was probably the most wanted bachelor that every girl is going to try and win over. He was the vampire prince and was extremely sexy. His dark hair was perfect and his piercing blue eyes were intoxicating. But someone as average and low status as me probably wouldn't be able to win him over.

in the choosing, both the participants need to chose each other, it can't be one sided and surprisingly there has never been a problem in the past with it. If there's an odd number of people then the person who doesn't have a match unfortunately doesn't get a 'mate'.

I don't wanna set myself up for something I know wouldn't ever happen.

"How about we change the subject off of me and talk about who you're gonna pick" I cut her off while she blabs about how sexy Theodore is and how she probably wouldn't stand a chance.

"I Kinda think Alpha Joseph black is cute" she gushes.

Joseph black the werewolf alpha, or in other words prince. He's tanned, dirty blonde hair and is super charming. He's definitely of a higher status then us but she can surely dream.

"Do you think I have a chance?" She asked me. She seemed hopeful for my answer, but deep down I knew she wouldn't want to hear the truth so I lied.

"Have you seen yourself, no one stands a chance" I encourage her.

Between the two of us, she was the more beautiful one. We are twins but you can some what tell differences and she had the better differences.

"What are my two favourite girls up to?" Our dads voice beamed as he entered the dining room.

"Unless you have two other secret daughters, we're your only girls" my sister Lily giggled.

"Luckily I don't, I can barely keep up with the two of you" he chuckled.

He strolled over to the table and looked at the binder, he raised his eyes brows and smiled.

"I remember when I saw your mothers picture in my binder" he reminisced . "I knew she was the one"

I wish I got that feeling when I flipped through this binder. Instead, I felt hopeless, I felt like no one would chose me and that I wouldn't find anyone that I was interested in.

Getting lost in my own thoughts, has always been my bad habit. My mom says it makes me less desirable. My dad says that it's because I find my own world more fascinating, I agree with him.

"Well ladies, we have the grand meeting tomorrow, how are you feeling?" My father asked, bringing me back to reality.

"Excited!" Lily beamed.


The choosingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora