3 - you left me

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As the night went on me and Leo spent the entire time together. He was sweet and kind, kinda the opposite of his cocky cousin.

"Tonight's festivities have come to an end!" A man's voice shouted.

I looked at Leo and smiled, we'd be seeing eachother more till the actual pairing, but I was having a great time with him I was kinda sad to go.

"Till next time" Leo smiled.

I smiled back and watched him walk away living me at the table me and my parents sat at during the diner.

I looked around for my parents and groaned when I couldn't find them. I tried calling but they weren't picking up their phone.

"Lost?" A familiar deep voice questioned.

"I can't find my parents" I confessed turning to face the voice.

The handsome Theo standing now in front of me smirked.

"I'll drive you home" he smiled.

"It's okay, I'll call for a car" I tell him.

"No worries, I wouldn't mind getting a little alone time to get to know you better, I wasn't exactly able to before with my cousin in the way"

I agreed to him driving me home. I wasn't sure how long a car would take to get here and it seemed my parents have already left. So I followed him to his car and got in, the last few lingering people watching us with curious eyes.

"You smell like elf, am I right?" Was the first thing he said when we started our drive.

"And your a vampire" I tell him obviously.

It's pretty apparent to know when someone's an elf, we have pointed ears.

During the drive we slightly talked, he was asking me questions about what I'm looking for in a person for the choosing and I answered them honestly. When I tried to ask him questions he would change topic and bring it back to me.

"Right there" I say pointing to an average home.

He parked in the driveway and turned off the car. I looked at him puzzled and he smirked.

"A gentleman walks the lady to the door" he said as if everyone knew that.

"It's not necessary, if my sister sees you she'll freak out" I say.

"That id like to see" he chuckled.

He got out of the car and I groaned. I followed behind him up the steps and to the front door. As I unlocked it the door swung open and my mom and dad stood there relived.

"Thanks for leaving me" I give them a look.

"We're sorry dear" my mom apologized. "Thank you prince Theodore for returning her home" She said to him politely.

"It was a pleasure to be in her company, have a good night Millie" he smirked.

He walked off back to his car and I watched him drive off. The moment my sister finally made it to the door he was gone and she groaned.

"And you thought you had no chance" she scuffed walking back upstairs.

"He was just giving me a ride Lily, calm down!" I shouted after her.

I made my way to my room and striped out of the dress. I went to take a shower and slipped into bed, I thought back on the night and realized that I could potentially have a shot with Theo and Leo. But I didn't rule out the fact that they could also be looking at other girls, so I decided I'll continue mingling with everyone so I don't put all my eggs in one basket. Leo will have two of my eggs and Theo one.


I woke up feeling refreshed, I took a shower and went down for breakfast. My mother and father talking about god knows what when I entered the dining room.

"Good morning dear" my mom smiled.

"Hi" I say grabbing some eggs and bacon.

I started eating but I could feel both of their gazes on me. I knew they had questions about what happened with me and Theo but I didn't think they needed an explanation when they forgot me and nothing happened.

"Well might I say theo is quite handsome" my mom says casually as if I wasn't aware of what she was doing.

"Mhmm" I answered stuffing my face.

"Fine if you aren't gonna come out and say it I guess I have to ask, what happened during your car ride?" She questioned, annoyance on her face.

"Nothing" I tell her flatly.

She eyed me for a moment longer then sighed and got up leaving me and my dad alone. He chuckled at his wife's temper, then turned to me with a smile.

"You know, we didn't actually forget you my dear" he smiled. "The prince asked us to leave you behind, so he could drive you"

"Why?" I asked confused.

It didn't make sense for the prince to do that, he had all the girls drooling over him last night, he could have picked any girl. We barely even had a conversation.

"Perhaps he fancies you" my dad wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I rolled my eyes blushing slightly and waved off the idea that the prince could even be remotely interested. He was probably just seeing if he could get lucky with me.

" I love you dad, but I don't think boy talk is for us" I say.

He chuckled then shrugged his shoulders. "Thought I would try" he confessed.

It's been a week since the meeting and tomorrow is the first ball. My mom, lily and I are out right now in the capital of delana, the elf kingdom shopping for a dress.

"What about this one?" My mom asked me holding up a peach dress.

I looked at it and scrunched my face showing my distaste for it. She rolled her eyes and put it back going back to rummage through the racks.

I looked around and spotted a dress, I walked over and marvelled in it's beauty. It was a long dark blue gown that had off the shoulder mesh puff sleeves, with lots of lace. This was the dress.

I grabbed it and went to try it on, it fit like a glove. No alterations needed to be done and I knew it was the one.

When I stepped out of the change room for my mom and sister to see their jaws dropped when they looked at me.

"Damn sis, didn't know you could look so good" lily remarked smiling.

"Mom?" I asked for her approval.

"I love it" was all she could say.

I smiled, then went back into the change room. Once I finished changing we went and paid, luckily the elf king and queen pay for any expenses that came with the choosing. So thank you king and queen for the new gown.


After shopping we went home, I changed into pajamas and watched tv in the living room with lily.

"So tell me seriously about Theo" she started.

"There's nothing, we didn't even really have a conversation when he dropped me off" I tell her.

"Really?" She asked confused. "Well I had a great talk with Joseph"

"Did you guys dance or anything?" I questioned.

"Ya, but he has a bunch of girls interested in him" she sighed.

"Lily, i know you... if you want something you'll get your way" I tell her.

She nodded and smiled. Lily and I were close, we fight a lot and she obviously thinks she's better then me. But I love her and I know she feels the same way towards me.

After the show we were watching finished I told her good night and went up to bed. I wanted to be well rested for the ball tomorrow.

The choosingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ