chapter 104

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Steve:hey de-doo partner

Nat:what aren't you supossed TO be look in after Peter

Steve:oh I just gave that champ some mny to buy me some newspaper

Nat:oh dear it's money not mny


Nat:do you have a cold or something *outs her hand on his forehead*

Steve:*takes her hand off of his forehead and kisses it*certainly not have you banged your head on a ball or something


Steve:oi who goes there

Tony:jeez the mid made you crazy

Steve:who peter oh don't be absurd he didn't make me crazy you people forget that were in 1999

Tony:*with wide eyes* what last time I checked it was 2024

Steve:are you some sort of time traveler

Nat:ugh I don't feel so good I'm gonna go take a nap

Tony:me too

Steve:Oh deary I think the both of you have come down with colds *putting his hand on their forheads*


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