chapter 24

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Tony:WHO wants to go on a picnic

Steve:tin can you never ask us anything like that why are you doin it now

Natasha:probably because pepper told him to ask

Clint:agreed....with Natasha


Natasha:Thor honey calm down no need to shout we can see your texts...And unfortunately hear you  to from all the way downstairs


Natasha:oh don't  be sad Stevie I still love you

Steve: :)

Clint:get a room you two

Tony:u was just watching you guys text and well I've seen enough and yes scary spy pepper did tell me to ask you guys so you guys all agree right

Clint:Tony none of us even said anything about the picnic the subject just changed immediately so-

Tony:Clint shush up and you guys all agree right...okay thx we are all going on  a picnic

Natasha:none of us even agreed...but yet here we are aren't we

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