chapter 73

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Unknown:for the love of god people om not Thor

Tony:you must be Thor I mean I haven't seen him will day today


Tony:what Steve

Steve:tony uum well there's no easy way to explain this but it's been raining all day none stop and well I just checked the weather channel and it says it's sunny but  i went outside and looked that only the tower is being  drenched by the rain-

Nat:wait is it possible that Thor might be the cause of it

Clint:I'm lost explain what you mean nat please

Steve:yes please do

tony:totally agree

Nat:So thor has been missing all day now and well I have an idea on why it's been raining only in one spot for the day none stop what if Thor was not in a good mood say he was crying at something and the clouds got in touch then  after he clouds what comes next...The rain

Tony:hey yeah that's very true has anybody checked he theater because I thought that his said he was going to watch more movies and maybe he watched  a sad one and is now upset should we go check up on him guys?

Clint:yeah we should

Nat:I agree

Steve:totally with ya

Unknown:oh for odins sake

                              *unknowns name was changed to loki*

Loki: you people are so so Idk






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