..I guess this is mine

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Work is still wild. Alright you know what's going on. Last chapter? Maybe, might do some shit posting later. New book? Has potential. Anyways, have a nice read.

You should already know this shit
"What you should be doing with another person"

Pacific Ocean

Everyone was fighting the Orochi after the revelation of it being a siren super weapon or something. They were giving it their all, but it sadly isn't enough. Enterprise even went into an essential cheat mode and shot it. Orochi don't care, just ignored the dumb bitch and continue its warpath.

"Dammit! Even Enterprise shot her most powerful attack! How is it still floating!?" This came from a silver hair beauty with blue eyes, otherwise known as Washington.

Then other words of 'were fucked' we're said. Some of fear.

"We're doomed."

"I-I'm scared."

"What would sis do...! Dammit!"

But it seems that there was still hope. It seemed that Wales managed to get Bama, but it seems like she has something to say.

"Everyone! Just hold on! Bama's coming with some help!"

"What kind of help!"

"The good kind." That's all Wales said to them before firing at it more.

"But how far out is he and this 'help'."

"I don't know..."

"Great! That means either we die without Bama, or we die with him!"

"Oh stop your bickering! I'm almost there anyways. Just 15 miles now."

"But weren't you far away?"

"Not important right now, just don't die. That's what the help's doing."


"Hey hey hey! It wants to die okay? Okay. Now shut up and pay attention. I need you guys to pull back to me."

"We're a bit damaged at the moment."

"Not what I asked. All I'm asking is that you fall back. Can you do that?"

"I mean yeah, but why?"

"Trust me. You'll want to."

"Okay let's say we fall back. How do we defeat this thing."

"Just let the help handle it. It's quite battle hungry right now."


"Knew you'd come through. Now tell everyone to fall back. It's gonna be hell soon."

That voice wasn't Bama, but was sure damn familiar.

"Um Wales? What does he mean by hell?"

"Remember how Iowa produced that big explosion? Well now there's nine instead of one."

"What the hell! How did he get that power!"

"It's not Bama."

"Then who is it?!"

"Well he sometimes gets referred to as a ghost."

"Ohhh fuck."

"Now. Everyone, fallback!!"

Pacific Ocean
6 miles out

We could see the battle, and to say Orochi was big was an understatement. It was fucking gigantic!

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