10. Game On

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I sat there with my hands shaking, trembling with fear as I sent the text. The outcome of this was uncertain. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I could lose both of them, but I knew that this had to be the way to do things. I couldn't think of any other way. They both had to know. After my finger pressed send, I started the ignition to my truck and headed toward home. There was so much on the line, and I'd have to admit that I wasn't looking forward to what I was about to do. But I knew one thing. I had to be fought for. I had to know who would fight for me; who was willing to do what they could to claim me as their own.

The rest of the drive home was restless. Even when I parked my car in my driveway, I couldn't seem to make myself get out of my car. My eyes adverted to the two cars in the driveway. I knew who it was, and I knew very well they were waiting for me inside. I had only hoped that they hadn't already broken into some kind of fight. Finally, after moments of being lost in thought, I got the courage to unfasten my seatbelt and head toward the house. My palpitating heart wasn't cooperating with me. It was much too loud, and beating much too fast. If any stranger was listening, they could hear the intense beat, the beat of an anxious heart. My body was being forced to move as I walked slowly to the house and finally reaching my door. With shaky hands, I managed to open my door and let myself in. One shouldn't be so afraid to enter their home, but I was. Slowly, my feet led me to the living room where I saw Blake and Keith waiting for me. Before I made a sound, Blake spotted me and gave me a dissatisfied look. "Hi..." I mumbled. Keith then looked up and gave me a look of confusion.

"Hi..." Blake scoffed.

I bit my lip, fighting back my nerves. "Um... thanks for just letting yourselves in..."

Keith nodded. "Well of course, baby. I have a key..." When he said this, Blake shot a disappointed look at me. I knew what he was thinking. I could tell he already didn't want to know what was coming. But what he didn't know is that he still had a chance. He had a chance to prove himself to me. They both did. "Yea, right. Of course," I let out nervously.

"Why are we here Miranda?" Blake let out in frustration.

I let out a sigh and sat in a chair across from them. My eyes looked into Keith's, not wanting to lose him. We fit together so effortlessly. He was perfect. I then looked over at Blake. Just a month ago I had viewed him as a friend, and now I had no idea what my feelings were. I had feelings for two of these men, and they were the ones that had to make the decision for me. It had to be done. "Um... well. I need to tell you both something." I almost felt nauseous, knowing they may not take this well, but maybe they would. I wasn't sure. "Okay, so here it is. I uh... I have feelings... " I trailed off. Blake's eyes glared into me, while Keith looked confused. "Um, you see, the thing is that I have feelings for the both of you." My eyes looked to Keith. "Keith, you and I fit so effortlessly. When we're together, I forget the world. I forget everything. I know I've fallen for you. But, Blake, it wasn't until we kissed that I knew I had feelings for you too. So now. Now, I'm just confused."

Blake looked to me with hope in his eyes. Keith's eyes looked hurt. He had no idea I had kissed Blake, but I wasn't concerned about that truth at the moment. I was more concerned about them fighting for me. "Well you have to choose, Miranda," Keith said in frustration. A sigh left my body. "Not necessarily. I want you guys to choose. I want you to fight for me. I want to see who's more willing to claim me as their own. I think that's the only way that I will make sense of this whole thing. So, please, don't get upset, or mad, but fight. Please just fight for me."

Keith nodded while looking over at Blake. "Game on," he said in a competitive tone.

"Game on..." Blake repeated. "Game on..."

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