Califorina x texas

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A/N: suggest by A_Legit_Fetus warning there will be drug use in here
     Texas had been hella stressed lately. He had a lot of things going on and was trying to get them all sorted by nothing worked. He sighed and he runs his hands through his hair. He hears a knock on the door and it was California. Which was weird the states didn't get along most the time.
     California was standing in the door way with a bag in his hand but he moves it behind his back before Texas could see. "I want to talk to you" Texas let the other in. They both go and sit on the bed.
"If you're wanting to argue just save it and leave I'm not in the mood and don't think I could handle it" he said with a sign and rubbed his head.
"No I want to help I know you have been busy so" he said as he pulls the bag out from behind him. It was a bag with a green herb looking thing and had some paper in it as well. It took Texas a minute but he realized what it was.
"Weed? No no i can't do that" he said shaking his head.
         California sighed "come on you'll be okay I do this all the time and I'll be here to help you please Tex. I hate seeing you like this" California whined
          Seeing how worried the other was was enough to convince him. The two had a soft spot even though they fought all the time. "Fine but only a little" he said and California smiled and nods as he grabs the paper and began to roll a joint for him. Once he has it made he hands it to Texas and hands him a lighter Texas looks at him.
"I'm nervous" he mumbled the other had never used weed and it was still illegal for his people. California smiled and took it from him.
"It's okay Texas I'll help you." He said and smiled he lights the joint and hands it to him. "Just like a cigarette." California tells him. The other outs it in between his lips and inhaled he pulls it away and coughs.
"No no no very different" he said while coughing. California giggled a little.
          "Okay okay calm down" he rubs the others back once he was good California spoke again. "I have an idea you need to just trust me and when I give you the smoke just inhale alright" Texas was nervous but agreed since the other was so worried. California takes the joint and takes a hit from it. He then grabs Texas chin gently and kisses him blowing the smoke into the others mouth as he did. Texas did as told and inhaled the smoke while blushing. California pulled away "is that better"
Texas nods still a blushing mess. "U-Uh yeah better" he said while blowing the smoke out. Califorina tries to hand the joint back and Texas shakes his head "no I can't handle that you should keep doing it the other way." California smiled and nods as he takes another hit. California kisses texas passing the smoke as the other inhales. Since this way took longer to get high they did it for a while. California didn't inhale so he wouldn't get high and he could help texas.
"Cali~" the other whined "I'm hungry" he said and California giggled
"Okay okay let's go get some food for you" he said as he helps the other down the stairs to the kitchen. Once he is there he goes through the fridge and pulls some stuff out to make texas a sandwiches what califorina forgot though was to put his weed brownies back before leaving the counter and heading over to the table. While California wasn't looking Texas got hungry and saw the brownies he didn't think anything of it and started eating the brownies. Had he been sober he would have known better. All the states know not to eat California's brownies.
               California turns around and saw Texas eating them and half of the plate gone. His eyes widen and he runs over and pulls him away from the plate "No Texas you can't do that" he said and sighed taking the sand which and going back upstairs.
           "But whyyy they taste so good~" he said his words slurred as they make it back to the bedroom. They sit on the bed and Texas eyes start to widen as he was extremely high now he was hallucinating seeing things and it freaked him out.
"Cali everything is moving" he said California quick hugs him and makes the other lay on his lap as he rubs his fingers through his hair"
Texas starts to calm down as California knew this was a way to instantly calm him down. "Shush shush it's okay Texas it's normal you're okay" he said as Texas calms down and smiled as he fell asleep on California as He smiled and kisses the head of the sleeping state. Soon they fell asleep together. When Texas woke up the next morning he woke up his head felt a little foggy. Texas looked around and saw California on his phone in bed
"Ugh what happened last night" he said looking at the other
"You relaxed a lot" California giggled and showed some pictures he had of last night I cuddling one where Texas kissed him. Texas blushed and hid his face. California smiled "don't worry no one will see" he said and kissed his cheek and got up. And got dressed "let's go we have a meeting" he said to the southern state. He sighed and got up and got dressed as well.
"Thank you cali. For everything" he said shyly as he smiled and they walked out of Texas's room and to the meeting room they walk in and it was silent for a bit before florida spoke up. "Man y'all must have had a wild night. Ya both smell like weed."

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