Virginia x mass x north carolina

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A/N: this was requested by Emilygomse sorry it's short. I had a hard time getting an idea for this one sorry

People were pretty shocked when they found our mass and Virginia started dating. The two couldn't be more different. Virginia just wanted to keep the peace in all fights and mass always was looking for fights. Everyone was even more shocked when North Carolina joined them as well.
The others hadn't realized yet that Virginia was able to keep the two in line. They were about to learn though. They were at a meeting where everyone was arguing as normal. It was chaotic and Virginia couldn't even get a word in to try and calm everything down. He sighed and put his face on his hand and sighs. He then looks over to mass. Mass knew exactly what that meant. Mass looked at them "can everyone shut the hell up" he said virgiana gave him another look not wanting the others to know he wanted mass to say something. North Carolina saw it and spoke up
"Yeah you're giving us a headache" virginia smiled and spoke up
"Alright everyone since it's calm now can we please just calm down and talk this out" he said
Tennessee who had already been annoyed and the subject of the fight "will you shut the hell up Virginia no one cares" he snarled
Virginia looked shocked at the outburst mass growled as North Carolina popped his knuckles ready to fight. Virginia shoots them both a look and they sit down and roll their eyes.
"Now there is-" this time he was cut off by Tennessee
"Shut up Virginia" he yelled again, not afraid of the other two since Virginia had shut them up already. Virgiana was now upset. He looks over at his two lovers this time a different way. Seeing how upset the other was they smiled softly at him.
Their smiles twisted into a smirk as they stood up. "Pal you better start running"
"Yeah you fucked up" they said as mass punched him right in the nose and north Carolina kicked him down.
Everyone tries to stop them as nothing works until Virginia speaks up. "Okay stop you two. Immediately the two stopped and went back in their seats.
"What was that?" Gov asked them as they just shook their heads. The two loved the softer state so much they would do anything he asked.

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