Chapter 2 - Pilot || Part 2

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Topper, Rafe, Kelce, and Elizabeth all walked towards the boneyard, early enough to where they could set up for the party. Elizabeth and Topper had stolen their mother's expensive liquor, ensuring that one of them would fill it with water when they got back home. Topper seemed increasingly anxious every time he spoke to his sister. She had thought it was because he knew about her ex cheating and never said anything, but as soon as Sarah Cameron entered the picture, she knew there was something else.

"Elizabeth!" Sarah yelled as soon as the girl came into sight. The girl's blonde hair blew past her shoulders in the wind as she waved to her friend, who embraced her. "How are you? How was the trip? You have to tell me everything!"

"It was good, Sarah," Elizabeth stated over Sarah's shoulder as the girl continued to hug her. "It's nice to see you again."

"You too! How does it feel to be back?" Sarah continued.

"Weird, definitely. Australia was really cool, honestly. I met so many people and saw tons of wildlife that we don't have around here. It was a really good break for me," Elizabeth stated.
"You look so tan, I'm so jealous." Sarah stared at her own arms, which were pretty tanned themselves.

"The weather was the best part," Elizabeth stated. "There were bad days, but for the most part it was pretty warm."

"Well, I'm glad you're back," Sarah stated, leaning in closer to whisper to the girl. "We're glad you're back." Sarah nodded towards her brother, who had been lifting the keg onto the table.

"Really?" Elizabeth asked, her eyes scanning the boy as he laughed with Kelce. She turned to Sarah, who nodded profusely.

"Really," Sarah repeated, smirking at the girl. Elizabeth had never thought that Rafe perceived her at all, not to mention him being somewhat interested in her. The girl shook her head, not wanting to overthink what Sarah had just mentioned-- she had just gotten out of a relationship, and boys were not on her radar. However, if the opportunity presented itself, she wouldn't mind a little distraction-- just not from Rafe, who she knew all too well.

"Topper, hey!" Sarah shouted, moving past the girl and towards Elizabeth's brother. Elizabeth's eyes widened as Sarah wrapped her arms around the boy's neck, placing a kiss on the boy's cheek as he smiled widely. This was certainly a new development. Elizabeth had known that Topper had feelings for Sarah considering everytime Elizabeth had the girl over Topper somehow involved himself in their conversations. However, she hadn't known that the feelings were reciprocated, or that Topper had finally said something. The girl didn't know whether to be happy for the two, or upset that Topper hadn't said anything. For the time being, Elizabeth chose to be the former.

As soon as people started to emerge from the woods onto the rough sand of the beach, Sarah ventured off to conversate with others. Topper walked up next to Elizabeth, who had been people watching. The girl turned as she noticed his presence behind her. "So, you and Sarah."

"Me and Sarah," Topper repeated, staring forward at his girlfriend as she nodded at something one of her friends said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Elizabeth asked him, frowning.

"You had just gotten back, I didn't want to overwhelm you," Topper explained as he took a drink from his cup.

"I'm happy for you guys, y'know," Elizabeth stated. "I'm not a complete bitch, I can let people be happy every once in a while." Topper laughed as he stared down at the liquid in his cup.

"Thanks, Lizzy." Topper said, suddenly remembering the text conversation that he had pushed to the back of his own mind. He opened his mouth to speak, but instantly closed it as nothing came out. He decided he would tell her tomorrow, when she wasn't trying to have fun and reconnect with her friends. Truth be told he was feeling horrible. Every conversation he had with his sister made him want to just tell her what her boyfriend had done-- but he couldn't. She looked happy.

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