You're mine | 𝘞𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘣𝘦 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘰

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"You're taking up my space again." Haruto glared at you.

"Shut up, I'm not even close to touching your corner."

"But I need room to write."

"You're not even writing!" you furrowed your eyebrows, eyeing his phone that he's been scrolling all this time.

"Well how am I supposed to write when I don't have enough room?"

"Okay whatever, I'm pretending you don't exist."

Haruto is your deskmate, forcefully. Your teacher was the one who assigned you the table arrangements, and guess what? Out of hundreds of other probabilities you just had to end up with Watanabe Haruto.

You were never on good terms with him. And it all started on the first day of school when you accidently spilled milk on his fancy designer shoes.

- Flashback to first day in junior year -

You were walking in the hallways happily with your all time favourite banana milk in one hand, looking for your best friend, Jina, who was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, Jina's voice could be heard from behind the hallways so you immediately turned around excitedly, only to bump into a very tall person whose death glare could kill you in two seconds.

Damn it. You spilled your milk on his shoes.

"I- uh.. I'm really sorry." you pulled out a tissue from your bag, wanting to help him wipe it off.

"Can't you watch where you're going?" he snapped.

"Hey I said I was sorry, I didn't mean to." you snapped back at him. Rude much?

"Whatever. Don't even mind wiping it off, you already ruined it." he walked off, leaving you alone who was still crouching on the ground.

"Rude!!" you yelled back at him who didn't even bother looking back.

So much for a first impression.

- End of flashback -

As if the whole universe was against you, you are now in your senior year, sitting beside the person you hated the most in the whole entire world.

The teacher entered the class, causing the whole class to be quiet and the two of you to stop bickering.

"Hello everyone, sorry I'm late. I just got back from a meeting. As promised, today I'll brief you about your new upcoming assignment. It will be a pairing project. And since you'll be in pairs, you all will partner up with the person sitting next to you."

Your teacher's last sentence was followed by grunts and disagreements from the whole class, especially you and Haruto.

"But Mr. Park! Can we please choose our partner this time?" A fellow classmate raised his hand.

"Nope, end of question." The teacher replied. And you realised you had no choice.

"Ugh I'd rather bury myself 10 feet underground than work with him." you mumbled, and Haruto heard it loud and clear.

"I'd be happy to help dig you in." he glared.

" he glared

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