Chapter 6 (Luke)

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The morning was fresh, and the air smelled sweet, until of course, the stench of rotting flesh , like the one from a few nights earlier, filled my nose. I started to cook some chicken, and the smell of it overpowered the zombie's stench, so it was no longer there. I closed my eyes and breathed the aroma of the chicken in. I remembered what Alex had said, that I had forgotten everything about myself. I had even forgotten my own name! I could have sworn it was Steve! But I guess not. It was Luke, and it has always been.

My chicken finished cooking, but my appetite had escaped from me. My whole situation had unnerved me, so I just left the chicken in the furnace to keep warm. I picked up my brown backpack, and I filled it with some torches, mutton, a stone sword, and some stone pickaxes, and I headed to Alex's house.

I knew the way. I walked behind my house and to the oak treeline. When I looked up past the leaves, I saw glass. I took my stone sword in hand, and started through the forest. I saw a family of black and white speckled rabbits. I must have not been paying attention to where I was going, and I tripped over a fallen tree with red mushroom growing on it. Ouch! I skinned my elbow and blood slowly, but steadily, seeped through the broken skin.

I looked around. Far off to my left, I saw a little pond. I headed towards it, making sure I didn't trip over anything else. I leaned over the side and splashed water on my arm to clean it. While I was rubbing away the dried blood, I felt a little nudge behind me. What the heck? I turned around, but before I could focus on what it was, I heard the familiar, lethargic "Mooooo..." The stupid fat cow pushed me even more, and I fell into the water, soaking everything. I quickly stood up, and wiped the water away from my eyes.

I grumbled as I struggled out of the pond. Silently, I cursed the darn cow and regained my focus. I looked around, and my stomach dropped. I didn't know where I was! I ran back in the direction I thought was towards Alex's house, but no matter how far I ran, I never saw it!

I was panicking, looking every which way direction, desperate to find my way out. I ran back to the pond, except i couldn't find it. Oh no. What am i going to do?

I stood there and caught my breath. Between gasps of air I could hear my stomach grumble. I looked around for some food. I'd even eat rotten flesh if I had to!

I thought I was going to have a panic attack! I started to breathe more heavily again.

"Hey, you lost?" A voice said behind me.

"Uh! Hey no, I'm just taking a walk." I said, It was Alex who thankfully found me.

"Uh-huh," she said, scanning me up and down "Let's get you cleaned up."

We made it out the woods and into her clearing, her house more majestic than before. She added more blocks of gold around the edge of the building.

She pressed a stone button above her iron door, and she opened it and walked inside.

"Follow me."

As i walked into the doorway, right before I came inside, the heavy door slammed into my face.

I felt my lip, and it was wet with blood. Typical.

I pressed the button and walked inside, making sure I went in fast enough.

"Sorry about that," she grimaced. I wondered if she really was sorry.

She held out what looked to be a cooked steak "Here, eat this."

I was so hungry, I felt like I ate it in just two seconds. Immediately I felt better. I felt my nose, and sure enough, no blood. I smiled, just because this was one of the great things I love about Minecraft.

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