Chapter 1 (Luke - Present)

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I woke with start. I have no idea where I am. I cant remember where I came from before, either. I look up, and the sun shines brightly. I shield my eyes from the light, and now that I can focus, I look around. When I look around, I don't believe what I see.

All around me are hills... blocky hills, with each block about a meter high and a meter long. I wasn't so so sure I was awake. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping to get rid of my dream-like state. When my eyes open, nothing changes. I am still surrounded by a pixelated landscape.

I sit down, hesitantly, on a dirt block, skeptical of what it will feel like. I try to recall what happened in the last few minutes- so few of them, but each so complex, so real, but so impossible.

Curious, I decide to test something out. I began lightly punching the dirt, and sure enough, in a short moment, it was destroyed, and a miniaturized version of the dirt fell onto the ground.

I thought to myself, "no way..." I knelt down and picked up the block. Unsure what to do of it, I looked around, looking for somewhere to put it. To my surprise,  where I had just woken up, there was a brown backpack, pretty big, enough to fit a few school textbooks and binders.

No longer questioning the possibility of my situation, I smirk and think, "that must be my inventory..." I take the bag and swing it around my shoulders. 

At this point, I start to feel more certain of where I am.

I look up at the sky. It's about 3:00 judging by the position of the sun. I come to my senses. Priorities! Right! I almost forgot, I need wood if I am going survive. I am very fortunate, because where I am, there is the start of a dense oak forest, some sheep, and a few cows and chickens here and there. I walk up to the nearest oak tree, and start softly punching the bottom log. After a few seconds the log popped off of the tree and again, showed a smaller version of itself floating on the ground. I picked it up and examined it.

"How am I even supposed to craft this?" I said to myself. Out loud, too.

I stared at it, as if that would get the job done. This better work soon before nighttime when...I don't even want to think about what happens.

I started to lose my patience when I yelled "C'mon! Make Planks!" And as if it obeyed my command, the wood spun, and a curious green light danced around the block. In my hand was a clump of 4 planks! Ok, then. It was time for the crafting table.

 Based on my last experience, when I said the name of what I wanted to make, it went ahead and made itself. This is great! Now I don't have to worry about building by hand for every single thing. I barely have to do any work!

I spoke the words "Crafting Table" and sure enough, the wooden planks, somehow, turned themselves into a good old crafting table. I placed the block on the ground, hoping it somehow place like normal, and strangely, it attached itself to the ground and went back into full size.

I go back to the tree and begin clearing the rest of the trunk out. I did the same with one more tree, just so I have enough wood to start. I now have 12 blocks of wood, so I took them over an placed them all on the crafting table. I used the regular process and turned them all into planks. I put them in my inventory. I look at the sky. Sunset will be approaching soon. It's still full light, but I know I have limited time. I grab my crafting table, and I put it in my bag.

I walk down a gradually descending hill, and I come across a cluster of sheep. I don't really want to do this, but I hit the sheep, and its body flashed red. Okay, at least I'm doing this right. I kept hitting the sheep until it died, and I grabbed its wool and mutton that fell from it. I did the same to another two sheep, but this time, little shiny spheres came from it, and as if I were a magnet, it rushed towards me. When the reached me, they flew up to me and materialized into my gut. Very well, then.

I checked to see how much wood I had-3 I could finally make a bed! I collected dirt for a makeshift house, 4 blocks high and 3 blocks wide and long.

I get out 3 pieces of wood and the 3 pieces of wool, and I put them on the table and made a bed. I placed it right in the middle of the room so I would be able to go to sleep without monsters being too close. It was almost sunset. I almost forgot! I went outside and went to the side of a cliff that was pretty close by. I took my crafting table and made sticks, then a wooden pickaxe. Then, I dug around in the side of the cliff for a while. And finally, I found coal. I took the cobblestone I got from mining and made a stone pickaxe to mine the coal.

Night was about on me, so I quickly made some torches and gathered my supplies and headed home. I placed 2 torches on the ground outside, 1 on my house on the outside, and one inside. This will keep monsters from spawning in or near my house. I quickly made a wooden door, dug a 1 block deep hole to prevent zombies from coming in, and placed the door in the gaping space in front of my house.

Just as I was about to go to sleep, I remembered I had to eat! I carelessly munched on the chicken and let out a deep belch. Thank goodness no girls were around. I don't know any who play Minecraft... anyway, I'm not even sure if this is real. I can only hope this will end soon. I get in bed and slowly doze off, not giving a thought towards what tomorrow will bring.

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