The unfinished part

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As you woke up you've noticed Stephen dead asleep so you've decided to sneak out of the library and went to your secret room.

This secret room contains spells and magic that only you can use but no other magic user can use. Gladly you've put a protection spell where any magic user can get it in will run into a dead end.

As you've heard Stephens footsteps and hear him call you you've decided to ignore it since he hasn't told you the rest of what happened so you've decided to go back in time to see what happens but it was blocked for some reason like someone had blocked it so you puffed then created a portal to your parents house.

—your parents house—

As you where about to knock your mom opened the door, "Hey sweetie" she said with a huge smile, "I knew this day would come"

You smiled as you entered the room, "Mom I have a question"

"Yes what is it," she replied

You looked down in concerned, "why does my man get get out of control when I see my ex"

Your mom looks concerned, "Sweetie I haven't told you this but I will know"

She paused and took out a glass of water, "I've been through the same but not with my ex but with my dad when someone has abused you so much your power tends to go on autopilot and protects you"

You looked at her in confusion, "What do you mean autopilot?"

"This means your powers only protect you when needed but other than that you can use your magic for protection of the people you love but the magic itself is there to protect you"

"That doesn't make sense mom," you've replied

"That's why I took you to see Dr Stephen Strange in Kamar-Taj since it should not only help you control your magic but control the magic itself but it seems like you haven't controlled your magic all to well"

"I have mom it's just with him only" you've replied in frustration "but the last time I saw him I black out and I don't know what happened Stephen doesn't want to tell me nor the Avengers"

"Have you had the dreams yet?"

"Yes I have but it stops right when I black out it's like blocked for me" you said while face palming

Your mom noticed your wedding rings, "who gave you this"

You looked up forgetting to tell your mom you've been married to Stephen, "This is my marriage ring that Stephen bought me when we first got engaged"

She looks up at you, "This is what I gave him when you first went to Kamar-Taj and told him to give to you when you needed it to block some memories that you didn't need to know during your black outs just in case you've killed someone"

You looked up shocked, "Why would I kill someone?"

Your mom took off the ring and the flashback of the black out came-back but it was horrifying to see. You where the one that killed your ex to shreds you saw every avengers reaction to what you've done even Stephens face.

As you put back the ring you walked out of the house and walked around New York until you've reached the sanctum sanctorum.

You've opened the door looking down and crying.

As Stephen made his way towards you in a concerned voice he asked, "Where have you been babe?"

You replied, "I already know my mom took of the ring she gave you that you gave me for your proposal."

Stephen confused asked, "What do you mean?"

"Stephen don't act stupid I know who killed my ex I've saw it all this ring blocked it because my mom said that this blocks anything traumatising like me killing people who I used to care for"

Stephen looks down, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you"

"Just get away from me right now Stephen" you said while you've went your baby's room.

—3 months later—

These past three months without talking to Stephen you've decided to go find him.

As you found him in the library meditating you've went behind him protecting your presence from him which you've learned to master these past three months.

As he was mid air you've used a chair and you whisper in his ear, "Hey beastie I've missed you and I want to talk to you"

As Stephen turned around he grabbed you by the waist as both of you where know floating midair you've felt something down there, "Me too" Stephen replied in his beautiful glossy blue eyes that shows how much he's missed you.

"I couldn't bear going another second not being with you" Stephen brought you closer as you felt his big muscular chest get closer.

As you where going to say something he kissed you then leaned back, "Stephen I'm sorry"

He replies, "I should be sorry not telling you the truth"

You looked at him seeing that what he was saying was true.

"This whole thing was my fault...I couldn't protect the one thing I love," as he said that he pulled your waist close to him feeling his thing has gotten a lot harder, "I miss those days that we used to mess around in the room"

As he said that you grabbed his face, "My beastie I know I know I've missed those days too but I've missed you a lot more I just wanted to protect you and the baby" as soon as you said that you kissed him as you kissed him he created a portal leading to the room.

As you both fell in the bed you both had an amazing night.

Sorry for a long ass chapter these are fun to write

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