The birth

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—months later—

As you where making breakfast you felt hands hugging you from behind and giving you neck kisses, "Good morning my little beast"

You felt Stephen smirking, "Good morning princess"

As you finish making breakfast you turn around to give him a kiss, "I miss our little you know,"

Stephen huskily says in your ear, "I know I just can't hold it in anymore I just want to do it again with you" as he gives you a sloppy kiss

You couldn't help but to punch his ass cheek, "Ow" he says while blushing knowing he likes it when you mess with him.

When you where going to go for another kiss you couldn't help but to feel something wet through your legs and you feel a huge pain in your stomach. As you look down you knew it was time, "OH STEPHEN-" you yelled out

"It's time"

Stephen acted quickly as the maids heard your screams and came rushing

As Stephen tried to clear the area he yells, "(Y/N) is about to give birth"

As he set up everything in your room Wong came running in, "Already? I'll call the others" as Wong left to call the Avenger

Maids came rushing in with wet and dry towels

"Breathe in breathe out, (Y/N)" Stephen says as he makes a cup appear with warm tea that will calm the pain and make the birth easier

"Drink this it'll help with the birth" as he hands you the cup

As you drank it a few seconds later you started to calm.

—2hours later—

As the Avengers came in it was time for you to give birth both Natasha and Wanda knew it was time to actually give birth and held your hands

"Don't forget your breathing techniques," Natasha as she does them with you

You let out a groan as you where pushing

"You're doing great babe," Stephen says "Keep pushing"

As you let out a final push a baby girl started to cry

Stephen cleans the baby up and wraps her in a beautiful baby towel

As you saw the baby you started to tear up, "She has your eyes and face"

Stephen smiles trying to hold his tears back. While the Avengers started to circle around smiling

As you hand your baby to Natasha. Nat asks, "What will her name be?"

"It will be Donna" you said and looked at strange, "In memory for Stephens sister name"

Stephen smiles and mouths, "Thank you"

As everyone got to carry the baby Bucky couldn't help but to let go of the baby since she was smiling and laughing with Bucky.

You smiled and grabbed Stephens hand.

As Bucky hands Donna to Stephen he starts to tear up the baby smiles and tries to touch his beard, "Hey" Stephen says in the most softest voice

As the Avengers nod to each other to leave you two alone in the room. Stephen sits in the chair next to you

You couldn't help but to notice something different in his face. Something you never saw was a hint of pure innocence and happiness.

"Stephen" you said as you magically cleaned yourself up and healed yourself but you still couldn't walk a good far distance.

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