The ex

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As you woke up you decided to make some breakfast for the both of you since you love making breakfast for Stephen but as you where going to get up you felt his arms get tighter and heard him say tiredly while yawning, "Babe ten more minutes"

"I have to make breakfast"

He moaned and said, "No stay with me in bed for ten more minutes"

As you decided to stay he smiled as he opened his eyes, "I love you"

"I love you too" as you said that he started to lean in and kiss you

"Did you enjoy last night," Stephen said huskily in your ear while smirking

"Ye-" before you could finish your response he decided to bite your neck

As he left marks in your neck he stops then looks at you, "Your mi-"

Before he could finish he heard rattling outside of his bedroom both of you hurriedly put your clothes on and rushed to see what happened.

As both of you rushed to see what it was you couldn't stop but to step back horrified.

"W- what are you doing here?" you asked shaking

"(Y/N) how have you been?" your ex-boyfriend said grinning "It has been so long since I last saw you babe"

"How many times have I told you we are no longer together"

"Oh dear we are still together," he said grinning even more

"We are not together," You yelled out

As your ex noticed Stephen his grin faded and said angrily, "Who is he?"

"Why do you care?" Stephen said

"Because I am with her" he said grinning again and pulling out a gun and shots it

Before you could react or do anything Stephen pushes you out of the way as he gotten wounded.

As both of you hit the floor you notice blood in your hand but it wasn't your blood it was Stephens blood. You saw the wound and decided to create a mirror dimension to protect you and Stephen.

"Stephen?" you said trying not to tear up

"I will be fine its just gun shot wound," he said before groaning in pain "We just need the kit. Do you know how to sow right?"

"Yeah but you need to-" Stephen had interrupted you and created portal to his room "Good now help me"

As you help him get up and walked past through the portal the portal closed.

You had gotten the kit and tried to take out the bullet but Stephen couldn't help but flinch and move away. "If you move honey it will hurt" you said

"It hurts badly," Stephen screams in pain

As you took the bullet out you started to patch up his wound and clean him up you kissed him in the forehead, "You did not have to do that back there"

"I had to," as he looked deeply in your eyes, "but I do have a question..." he paused

"Who was that?"

"My crazy psychotic ex named John" you said in an uninterested tone

"Well good thing I put him through that portal let's see wherever he lands in the city hope he won't comeback.

"How-" you paused "You know what I won't worry about it"

Stephen smiles like a little kid and pulls you close and kisses you "I am glad we're both safe my princess"

You smiled and kissed him passionately in his lips

You pulled away and said, "You bastard you are so-" you couldn't finish your sentence since you where now pinned to his bed.

"Look princess I can still do anything injured," he said while smirking

"Sure dear but you need some rest," you said

He doesn't let you get up as he gets close to your ear and huskily says, "Princess I will not rest until we get what we both want and you already know"

To be continued.....

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter :)

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