Chapter 4

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Month went by from that incident. Everyone started to change on me except Kaidee and Clair. Nobody talked to me anymore. What had happened? Did I do something wrong? The unknown message hasn't texted me since. I do know that a new boy came to school. I learned that his name is Jacob and he is from California just like me! He is 13 and got held back in 3rd grade. Me and Jacob got close that's how I kinda know a lot. We are like best pals now. He did ignore me when he first got here but imparently someone told him about me. Since we became close enough I told him everything. Well except the blade part. He thought that Gabby was rude and fake anyway. Which honestly she was. The next day at school I went to 1st period as usual and me and Kaidee had the best conversation ever. Once 1st period was done I was walking to my next class until someone tripped on me collapsing me as well. "OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY LET ME HELP YOU UP" I stood there staring at this girl beautiful eyes. She grabbed my hand and it felt like a dream. She had this curly blonde hair with these green and blue eyes. She was so pretty. I can't, I can't like a girl my mom would kill me, but she's just so nice and pretty. "Oh it's fine. " I giggled. She looked relieved. "Well I gotta go to class now I'll see ya" I stopped her. "Wait before you go wanna meet after school?" She excitedly said yes and ran off. I smiled,she was amazing. I couldn't wait until school was over. After school we met up at the front and we ended up walking to my house. I told my mom I was bringing a friend over. Once we walked in my mom had a whole set up with snacks and she made my room extra clean. She even set up an area where we can watch tv if we wanted. "Welcome girls if y'all are hungry your welcome to grab snacks!" I learned that this girls name is Ginny and she is from New York. We seemed to have a lot in common. She gave me her number and we then watched a movie together. After the movie she ended up staying the night at my house. While she was sleep she cuddled up against me and my heart was bouncing of joy. She was a nice girl and soon we became closer each day. She was my go-to when I was upset. Eventually I confessed my feelings for her. When I told her that I liked her she smiled. She grabbed my face and leaned in for a kiss. She told me she felt the same and we ended up dating.

⚠️This story is still in progress⚠️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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