Chaper one

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I woke up to the dishes clanging together and my mom turning on the lights. "Victoria sweetie it's time for school!" I lay there for a few minutes until I finally get up. Should I wear a T-shirt or a tank top? I think I may just choose the T-shirt. I grabbed my phone and I started walking to my closet. My phone started to buzz. I looked to see what it was and it was an unknown message. What the. I thought for a moment. The message said in big, blocky letters "DON'T MESS UP." I replied with a "sorry you have the wrong number" I then continued grabbing that T-shirt I was looking toward to wearing. I went with the basic jeans and I walked to the kitchen for breakfast. "Finally your up." Said my mom. I didn't hesitate when I saw the freshly cooked pancakes with drizzled syrup. "Mm smells good." I said with my mouth already stuffed. "Victoria your running late hurry grab your stuff and head out for the bus you don't wanna miss it." Mom said with a rush. I rushed to get my shoes and bag and I ran through the door without saying goodbye. I hopped in the bus with so many eyes staring at me. It was quiet when I got in the bus. I started feeling anxious like I was the attention of the circle. I hurriedly rushed to my seat before the feeling got worse. The bus started to get louder and louder. School was the last place I wanted to be at right now. Once we arrived I walked with my friends Gabby,Clair, and Kaidee. They were like my best friends. Kaidee and I have almost all of my classes together while Clair and Gabby only had a few. The bell started to ring. "Alright guys looks like class is starting see y'all in 5th period." Clair said. We all replied with a "cya" and went to 1st period.  Me and Kaidee had this period together so when our teacher said "get a partner for this next project" we were already looking at each other. The day flew by pretty fast and now we are on to 5th period. "Great athletics already." Gabby said with a whiney voice. "Girl chill it's not even that bad." I said. In athletics we did workouts. For the most part it was pretty easy. Doing 10 push-ups isn't to bad. School eventually and finally finished. My mom picked me up today which was a surprise when I usually ride a bus home. "How was school Victoria?" Asked my mom. I told her it was fine. On our way home i nearly fell asleep. Once we got home I went to my room and fell asleep skipping dinner and family time. My parents were understandable about it for my long day at school. School hours are just so boring.

⚠️Before you move on to the next chapter just know there is self harm just as a warning ⚠️

The Girl Behind The MaskTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon