Chapter 4: Family Reunion

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February 15th, 2023

Location: Same Jaeger Corps base, somewhere in Denmark

Time: 8:00 CTE


It had been a couple of days since the attack, everything seemed to freeze in Denmark. All the businesses in Copenhagen temporarily shut down. Residents in Copenhagen got evacuated to other parts of the country. And the worse part was the grief, it hung in the air like a cloud all around Denmark. The prime minister of Denmark gave a speech the night of the attack. It said that action would be taken, but it was frozen in place along with everything else. Nothing is being done. Meanwhile, I and my team were still trying to recover too. After the incident at the diner, Timberwolf came to me to talk to me. I said enough to satisfy him and now we are on good terms again. I don't feel better, I wear a mask during the day. Make them think I am ok. During the night is when I let loose, when I cry in the shower, on my pillow, anywhere at all during the night. I'm not ok, but my friends seem to be. And to me, that's what I mostly care about. Now I just hope my family doesn't see through the mask. I am currently packing to go see my family back at my family's farm. I was interrupted in the middle of it by some knocking at my door.




I go over and open the door to be met with the sight of Lucas.

Lucas: Hey, umm... are you almost ready?

Y/N: Yeah, Yeah... I just have a few more things to pack.

Lucas: Oh, ok good. Dad wants to leave in 30 min.

I check my watch to see that it is now 8:34, I remember that our flight leaves at 11:45 AM, this leaves me confused.

Y/N: Wait, isn't our flight at 11:45?  Why does dad want us to leave so early?

Lucas: I don't know, I think he wants to go out with us somewhere.

Y/N: Oh...ok, I'll hurry and get my stuff packed, and then I'll be ready to go.

Lucas: Ok, see you soon.

He leaves while I close the door, I proceed to go back to packing my stuff. Once I finish I put on my military fatigues and grab my bags. I head to the main lounge and see Lucas and my Dad (General L/N) all standing there.

Dad: There you are! Now we are just waiting on Aksel.

Right on queue Aksel walks into the room with bags in hand, and walks up to my dad.

Aksel: Good Morning Dad! 

Dad: Good Morning, well should we ask for permission to leave and head out of here?

Lucas: Sounds like a plan! Let's head out to the runway.

We walked out to the runway to meet all the other generals in a line, we walked up to them and stood in a parrel line with them. We proceeded to salute them.

All generals in unison: Rolig! (At ease!)

We put out hands down and stood at attention

General Hansen: Hvad bringer dig her? (What brings you here?) 

Dad: Vi anmoder om tilladelse til at forlade basen. Vi skal hjem for at besøge. (We are requesting permission to leave the base. We are going back home to visit.) 

General Jakobsen: Jeg mener, du er på orlov, så længe du har gjort papirarbejdet, skal du være god til at gå. (I mean, you're on leave, as long as you've done the paperwork, you should be good to go.)

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