| 11 | Sephora/Romeo

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I woke to a different surrounding than mine. Someone had their arm around my waist, I turned and saw it was Romeo, we were spooning each other, then the realization came upon me, I had stayed over and had not told Pops, oh, I am done for. He looked so peaceful when he slept, he was cute, nope, not today.  I quietly removed his hand and covered him before getting my stuff and leaving. I was on my phone and saw it was currently 9 am, luckily it was a Saturday.

I quietly walked down, since they were all still sleeping. I saw Alessandro, snoring on the couch, with a pillow on his face with basketball shorts. I opened the door and walked out. I wore my shoe, 'cause you have to be mad to wear shoes in the house. I walked to the nearest bus station and took one home. I got home at 9:45 and entered, everyone in the house was a morning person, Pops and Max were in the living room when they both turned their heads to me from the noise of my footsteps. Before Pops started to talk, I started "Pops, I am sorry. I went to Romeo's house then watched a movie and I slept off till this morning. I am so sorry. It would happen again"

He looked at me and then smile. What the actual fuck?. "Pops, why are you smiling?"   "Oh, 'cause Romeo called and told me already, that you were staying over. He is a nice kid. Invite over one day" he stood up and kissed my head before going upstairs while I was still standing shocked and Max just followed Pops, laughing.

I entered my room and fell on my room, just thinking while looking at the ceiling. I brought out the outfit I was going to wear after my shower. 



I woke up to an empty bed, this was the first time I had slept in months. All because of her. After she fell asleep last night, her cute face was just on my mind,  but I know I have to distance myself from her. I had called her Pops to let him know that she was sleeping over and not for any funny business since he asks. 

I took a shower, wore one of my basketball shorts, and just went downstairs. It's Canada in summer, don't blame me, and headed downstairs, "Morning, Romeo"  Alessandro said scrolling through some shows on Netflix. "Morning"  I entered the kitchen to make myself a coffee. "Oh, and Dad's coming next week"    "Ok"   My sperm donor, not my dad, he has never been there, he caused mom's death and just left us to survive by ourselves. It didn't even last a week, he found a new chick. Moved from one lady to another when he was with mom, but I am not sure if he still does it. I never wanted to be like my dad, but look where I turned out. 

He would always hit mom, Alessandro never knew cause he would be out with his friends and dad found me one day when he was beating mom, and beat the living shit out of me. Still that day, the trauma still haunts me. One thing, I might like is Emily, his wife. She was nice but she was never mom, she has one daughter which is my step-sister. 

I poured the coffee in and went to meet Alessandro, "so what are we watching?"   "Don't know, just scrolling, any ideas?"  "Horror movies?  Umm, the Nun"   "Fuck no, you know how I am with horror" Alessandro had a sleepover and they watched IT, he always says that they will come through the Tv and get him. Till now, he still sleeps with the light on whenever we watch a horror movie but for me, I just laugh and find it very funny. 

"Ok, what about the Ring, it's a documentary"  

"Do you think I am stupid? I have heard about the movie before, she fucking comes out of the Tv. I am not doing this shit with you."  "I never said you were stupid but I think you just found out for yourself, anyway, I am going out with the boys and Ashley." 

"Ok, don't just cause trouble that will end you up with you in jail, 'cause I ain't bailing your weak ass out of there" 

"K", I headed up to wear a shirt, Carlos had called me that they were outside, I checked the time and it was already one. I ran down the stairs saying bye to Sandro, then we left. Nathan was driving and Ashely was in the passenger sit and I was stook with Carlos at the back. We were going bowling then to a party at Lauren's. 

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