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February 4, 1970

The gel was cold and Stevie flinched at the sensation.

"Sorry, I did warn you!" Smiled the sonographer.

In reality she'd been on edge since getting a call confirming the appointment. She'd made the conscious decision to call Camila first to let her know, resisting the instinct to call Lindsey.

They'd had yet another difficult conversation earlier in the week, and he'd suggested he stepped back in terms of involvement in the pregnancy. Not, he repeatedly reassured her, because he didn't care, but more because he felt like it blurred the lines over whose baby this actually was going to be. She reluctantly agreed. He'd brightened when he reminded her it meant they could focus more closely on their own relationship instead.

Camila was anxiously wringing her hands at the side of the bed where Stevie lay. She'd been shocked by the continual stream of micro aggressions her baby's adoptive mother faced as they moved through the hospital. She really had no idea about it, and began to feel protective towards her. She took her hand now and held it, smiling as brightly as she could muster in the face on her own churning emotions.

"Ok, let's see what we can see." She looked down as the wand moved over her stomach, harder than she'd thought it would. The sonographer was staring intently at the screen in front of him.

Stevie tried to relax, closing her eyes and waiting for something to happen. The sonographer flicked a switch and an unfamiliar sound filled the room. It was like the ocean. And then, over the top, she heard it.


Tears rolled down from under her closed eyelids as she felt Camila grip her hand tighter. The sound of that steady heartbeat rang through her ears. She felt her own heart beat faster and wondered if the baby could hear that, too.

"Well that all sounds fine." The sonographer turned off the switch and she wanted to beg him to let her hear that sound again. "Would you like to see the little one?"

She opened her eyes and before she could answer the screen was turned to face her. Camila craned forward to get a closer look as Stevie tried to make it out.

"This is the head, here."

She didn't hear anything else. The sound around her was suddenly muted. All she knew was that figure on the screen. From the head, she could make out everything. Tiny limbs wriggled and stretched. The head moved back and the hands went to the mouth. She could even make out the flashing spot of a heart and imagined that incredible sound again. She was in awe of this tiny life, and that she and Lindsey had created it.

"So everything's ok?"

"Yes. Everything is...perfect. Perfectly healthy."

He smiled.

"Are you upset that you weren't there?"

"No. No, it was the right thing to do. I'm glad Camila was able to see."

"She was saying prayers of thanks in Spanish the whole way back in the car. She gets pretty intense. Imagine what she's going to be like at the birth."

"Yeah." He laughed politely but a shadow crept across his features as his thoughts took him somewhere he didn't want to go.

He took a deep breath.

"Steph - I have to talk to you about something."

"That sounds serious."

"It is. I've uh, I've had an opportunity come up. Musically. A contact I know says he can put me in touch with some pretty high up people in the industry. I've got to go and meet with them, got to work with them and some artists so they know me and what I can do."

"That sounds amazing, Linds! I'm so happy for you. You deserve it. Would it mean dropping out of college?"

"Yes." He sucked in a breath. "And moving to LA."

His words rocked her. Los Angeles was a 6 hour drive away.

"No. I need you here. You can't. Lindsey you can't leave me, I need you with me. I can't do this without you." She was quickly becoming frantic.

"Calm down, calm down." He took hold of her arms and supported her as she began to hyperventilate. "Breathe! Steph, breathe. Look at me. It's ok, it's ok. I've got you."

"Don't leave me." Her words came out as a sob as she pressed into his chest.

"I'm not. I'm taking you with me."

She stopped sobbing and turned to look up at him.


Still clinging to her arms, he moved her away from him to look her fully in the eyes.

"It makes perfect sense, baby. Think about it. No one knows us there. We're hours away from anyone and you can be free to do what you want. And we're chasing down that dream. I can't do this without you, Steph. We're a single unit now. We're going to do this together. We'll just pack the car and go. You, me and Ginny."

Stevie's dog, who had been sunbathing in front of the bay window, perked up at the sound of her name before wandering off to the kitchen in search of food.

"There is a little something stopping us, Linds."

"There are hospitals in LA. And phones. We can let the O'Brien's know and keep them updated. They won't mind, they'd walk a thousand miles over hot coals to get to the baby. It makes perfect sense."

Her head was buzzing with questions but as she looked into his eyes, she saw more life there than she had in months. He had a purpose again. She just had to trust that he wouldn't let her down. It was impossible not to get caught up in his infectious energy, and she couldn't help but return his grin.


"Really? Ok?"

"Yes! Let's do it!"

"God I fucking love you!" He pulled her back into him, lifting and spinning her round the room. "Oh shit! Shit, I didn't think, are you ok? His hands flew to her belly.

"I'm fine," she said, covering his hands with her own. The both paused for a minute, looking down at what they had made together. She smiled up at him and he kissed her, long and deep.

Sinking to her knees, she unfasted his pants and took his rapidly hardening cock in her mouth. She moaned as she felt it grow, filling her mouth and hitting the back of her throat.

"Ungh - oh Steph," he stroked her brunette hair as she devoured him. She reached up his body, dragging her nails down his bare torso and lower back and sending shocks of excitement through him.

He shrugged off his pants and stepped out of them before dropping down to her level and kissing her again. He lifted her plaid shirt - his, actually - over her head and his breath hitched as he looked at her breasts spilling out of her bra. She caught his reaction and reached behind her back to unhook the bra. She hated wearing them and had only started to do so because she was struggling to contain her rapidly expanding chest.

His delight was evident. He hungrily took one in his mouth, letting his tongue circle her swollen nipple. A drawn out groan filled the air as her legs began to give way.

"Lindsey, baby I need you." She gently pushed him back onto the floor before straddling him, gasping as she sank down onto him.

He looked up and was frozen in wonder at her. The dappled sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating her naked form. Her dark hair shone as it spilled over her shoulders, pleasure and satisfaction etched on her gorgeous face. His hands roamed her newly rounded shape, rediscovering every inch of her soft flesh. It was a cliche, but she truly was glowing. He doubted he would ever see anything so spectacular in his life again.

She moaned wordlessly as she rode him, gently rocking her hips against his. He wanted to stay in this bliss forever, but it was short lived as she began to reach her peak. He started to push up into her, matching her rhythm as his voice joined hers and they came together.

Rolling off him and lying in his arms on the floor, she felt the happiest she had since finding out about the baby. This had been a good day.

"I am so in love with you, Lindsey Buckingham."

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