1- The Move

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The world is ever changing, the only thing that ever stays the same, is the fact that everything is always changing. Life is ever moving, ever changing, so we have to change with it, and adapt to the tides.

My mom is going on the road with Phil. Bella and I are going to see dad, I was always a lot more like him. But I suppose, I'm really not like any of them. Not in the slightest. Purple eyes, red hair, unmatchable senses, and other qualities that you would usually only find among animals. I needed a new space, a new foundation. This would be my chance.

My Lynx, Frey, was my main companion. I've had her for almost a year now. She's not even a year old yet. I found her and I've taken care of her since. She was just a kitten when I found her. I was worried for how she would fare on the plane ride to Washington.

When we arrived though, she was sleeping soundly and alright. In the cruiser, things were awkward, I simply snuggled up with Frey the whole time.

Arriving at house was fun, I got to bring everything up to the room I absolutely love, the attic. The bedroom I've had for years. I heard a truck pulling in and I sniffed the air. It smelled like dog. I sprinted down the stairs, knowing exactly who it was. I went through the door pushing past Bella and sprinting into Jacobs arms.
"Jacob!!" I squeaked and he laughed.
"I missed you too ginger head." He put me down and looked at me.
"Girls, you remember Billy Black?"

Bella said hello to Jake and I whimpered internally, it hurt to see her hug him. I've been in love with Jake since I was 6. The only issue is, he loves me back, but he also loves Bella. I could tell. He doesn't know how I feel, and I refuse to let myself get in the way of his advances for her instead of me.

I sighed and stood alone with my thoughts as they all went off, after Bella finished exploring her new truck, I looked down at my own feet, I ignored the obvious footsteps of Jake coming over to me. I felt arms wrap around me, as his face nuzzled my neck.

"I missed you."
"You didn't just miss me Jake. Go ahead and spend time with her. I'm alright."
"No. I want to spend time with you."
"Jake, just, go inside please. You know I can't handle all this. Please, just, go."
"I won't do that. Please just let me spend time with you, for a little while."

We went to my room and sat on my bed. I sighed, in my own emotional pain, I wished I could disappear. Jake's fingers ran through my flooring red hair and I felt a tear on my cheek.
"Oh don't cry, don't cry please. I'm here. The pack will be happy to see you. Dad did some digging with the other elders, they think they figured out what you are."

"Wait really?" I looked him in the eyes as he nodded.

"You're a shapeshifter. You are a mix of several things. A werewolf, like the clan, a werecat, a werehyena, a fae, and a vampire. He doesn't know how it happened to you. He says that supposedly, by your age, you will have stopped aging entirely."
"That's.... A lot"
"Yeah. Took me a while just to memorize. But it also means, that you have answers as to why you turn into animals, and why you have amazing senses."
"And why I can kick Sam's ass in a fight."

He chuckled at my comment but still nodded.
"Will I still be welcomed by the pack? The va-"
"Yes, you will. The elders have known you forever, hell they almost raised you up until you were 6. You are always welcome. You're part of us. You were chosen to have a gift, my gifted girl."

"Just let me live in the moment for a bit please." I nodded and for a while, we just talked, he held me and eventually he had to go home. My first day of school is tomorrow, with Bella, this is a small town, meaning that everyone knows about the new girls in town.


I rolled out of bed and saw Frey sleeping soundly. I put out her food for her and then went to get dressed. I pulled on a pair of socks, black leggings and a soft green dress. I tied a string around the waist so it brought out my shape and then slipped on simple black boots. I grabbed my bag and headed out to the truck, waiting for Bella as usual.

When we reached the school, I got it of the truck quickly, ignoring the looks and comments coming my way. I got my schedule and went to my first class, honors calculus. Ive always been the smart one. Bella is smart but, I'm a bit of a nerd. I'm 16 in the same grade as her, I got to skip a grade.

Going through the motions of the day was annoying, I just awaited for the lunch bell to ring.

At the lunch room, I was getting my food when I caught a scent. This scent was amazing, I looked to it's origin and saw a group, no a coven. Their scent, something in my veins, my instincts, told me that they were vampires. I grabbed the rest of my lunch and stalked quickly to their table, my long red hair flowing. I sat down beside a blonde male and straddled the backwards chair. They were all looking at my in curiosity.

"Andria Swan. Call me Andy. Don't bother trying to figure out what I am by the scent."

They all looked baffled and startled. I simply smiled and sank my sharp canines into the honey crisp apple. I watched their confused faces with wonder and smiled at them while I chewed.
"You smell so... Scattered." A woman with long blonde hair commented.
"I can't read you, or your sister..."

I kept my smile and continued eating, watching their fake eating and occasional grimaces upon pretending to actually eat the food.

"It must suck for food to taste like dirt to you guys, regular food is delicious. Not as energy sustaining but definitely filling and delicious."

"Can you give us, any answers?" The blonde boy asked my in confusion.

"Yes. But not here. Not now. I'll come with you to your house when the school day ends."

The rest of lunch was silent once I learned their names. All facial expressions. I learned that the boy Edward could probably do something with reading minds. I figured that when he made the comment about not being able to read me, but seemingly understanding what all of his sibling's we're thinking about.

By the days end, I got into a car with Rosalie and she talked casually to me the whole time. I opened up with her, describing the mix of species that I was. She took her time to understand and was very intrigued by my love for animals.

"Did you have any children? Before you changed I mean."

".... No, I wanted children though, more than anything. A family and husband to come home to. But I didn't get that."

She explained how she was turned, and what Carlisle did for her family. She told her family's stories, explained to me who and what the Volturi were. When she finally ended, I smiled at her kindly.

"Rose, I can still have children I believe, if this friendship goes as well as I think, maybe one day, I could make you a godmother."

She came to a stop in front of the house, she was in shock.
"Thank you." Her voice was so soft and I rubbed her back kindly.
"Of course, you deserve to have the rest of your dream. Either way, you'll be the cool aunt."

Our laughter filled the air before we went inside to greet her family.

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