Chapter 27

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Aneira hadn't realized she'd been holding her breath until she released it all at once in a shaky exhale upon seeing everyone she knew from Ledah alive. Ministers Las and Morres were both weary, their clothes displaying burn marks from the initial fires, but still in good shape, relatively untouched by the course of the battle. The two, along with Duke Cadogan, were sheltered in a hidden space where weapons were stocked just outside of the green training space. They were all relieved to see her alive, and upon seeing their hopeful expressions, she realized that they may not have expected to see her again after being captured.

Aneira ensured that they were alright, giving them a hurried rundown of what she'd seen in passing of the battle, before spinning on her heel to slip out again. Las clasped her arm before she could exit, their piercing green eyes once more keeping her in place.

"Ser arden, captain. And best of luck out there. We hope to see you back here safe as soon as duty releases you from her hold." They offered her a supportive smile and Aneira nodded, reciprocating it easily as she always did around the friendly minister of agriculture.

As soon as she managed a quick goodbye to both of the ministers and the duke — promising, of course, that she would do her best to organize the troops and defend the stronghold — Aneira left the small building in search of Carys. Above all else, she had to make sure her friend was okay; she didn't think she'd be able to win this without her.

Her grey eyes scanned the rubble around her as she darted across the edges of the field. Carys wasn't a fighter, so Aneira assumed that she wouldn't have been on the battlefield, unless she had been forced upon it. She chewed anxiously on the inside of her cheek as she hurried around, turning more and more desperate when she still couldn't find the girl.

"Aneira?" A voice asked in a curious whisper. She spun around to see Carys, her dark hair made even darker by the soot. Her blue eyes were as brilliant as ever, wide with a sort of hopeful disbelief, as she rushed over to envelop Aneira in a hug. They held each other tight for a moment, both sinking with relief that both of them were alright.

"I know you want to hear all about what's happened to me since I've seen you," Aneira told her, laughing softly as Carys opened her mouth to speak and then abruptly shut it. "And I promise that I'll tell you everything, after this battle is over. I really need to get out there, but I just wanted to make sure nothing had happened to you first."

She assumed at first that Carys was going to groan dramatically as she always did and beg for Aneira to tell her right then. But instead Aneira saw tears begin to run tracks down her dirtied cheeks as she wrapped her up in another hug.

"I love you, okay? Stay safe. I really don't want to lose you today," Carys murmured. Aneira held her tighter, slightly bewildered by the sudden intimacy between them. She nodded.

"I love you too, Carys. But you don't have to worry about a thing. I'll be back as soon as I can to fill you in on all the drama." She gave her friend one last squeeze before backing away, waving a quick goodbye as she turned and trotted onto the battlefield.

Aneira began to wonder where she would be most useful. It would be hard to get to the front of the fray directly, since there's so many soldiers still fighting. That would promise death for sure. I suppose I could sneak around the back and fall in line when an opening appears, and work my way in through there... She studied the course of the battle for a moment before her eyes caught on something else off to the edge of the field. On a small hill not too far away, a man towered over someone kneeling, creeping up behind them with a staff held at the ready.

She squinted, barely able to make out the details of the silhouettes. Her heart picked up speed, galloping with nerves as she recognized the person crouched down. Devyn. Aneira burst into a run at once, her feet stumbling over themselves until they adjusted to the quick pace. She internally cursed herself for dismissing Claer; it would have been nice to have the dragon's speed with her in that moment.

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