[Ranpo xR] Dreams of greatness (2/2)

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The person standing in front of her was nothing like Ranpo. Instead of her boyfriend's sulky and adorable face, a man in a black suit was standing there, looking at her intensely, with a big smile, making her slightly uncomfortable from the start.

"Good evening miss; again, you're done with your work at an ungodly hour I see... Are you going home?"

This man was none other than the security guard hired by the department, stationed most nights in front of the entrance of the Special Division for Unusual Powers. A bit intrusive, but not horrible to be around as far as she could tell.

She regularly exchanged a few words with him when she was leaving her workplace late at night (which was often), but little more than greetings and chit-chat about trivial things.

Yuna did not really have an opinion about this man. He was nice, sure, but there was something about him that did not make her feel entirely confident. She did not know what exactly. Maybe because he did not really know the notion of personal space?

But who was she to lecture him, on one of his personality traits most certainly? Everyone was different, after all. And so was this night guard.

So, she gave a tired smile, almost apologizing for having to show up in front of him so exhausted.

"Yes, I didn't see the hour go by actually... I even managed to fall asleep on my keyboard!"

The hysterical laughter of her interlocutor, which echoed in the deserted hall and in her sleep-fogged mind, as if she had just told him the best joke of all time, gave her a headache.

He had always tended to not do things by half, even exaggerate if she allowed herself the nuance; something Yuna had learned from the few conversations they had had so far. But, tonight, the urge for tranquility was much stronger than the rest.

With the frustration, fatigue and especially the guilt she still felt towards Ranpo, and the urge to cry never far away either, she did not really want to hear the security guard chatting and laughing like that.

She did not want to talk at all, in fact. But that was without knowing the man.

"You look quite exhausted, indeed...Will you be able to go home alone? Would you need a ride ho-"

He did not have time to finish his sentence when he was thrown to the side by something, making him fall on his buttocks with a cry of pain he had not succeeded in containing.

Yuna, opening her eyes a little more under the surprise, at least as much as the tiredness allowed her, finally looked away from the man on the ground, only to realize that, in front of her, was now someone else.

"Sorry for the wait, here you are~"

Of course, the human rocket was none other than Ranpo, who did not even seem to notice what he had just done. But Yuna was not fooled.

Her boyfriend had done it on purpose, of course. He had a big smile stuck on his lips, and handed her a steaming cardboard cup, which she took in her frozen hands, sighing at the warmth it gave her almost immediately.

"Excuse me, but don't you feel that something is wrong? You could at least apologize! Who are you, anyway? How did you get in here?"

To the endless questions of the guard, who had meanwhile leapt up, Ranpo looked annoyed; finally deigning, in his great kindness, to turn his attention to the furious man.

"How did I get in? Easy, I guess the security guards don't do their job very well here..." he mumbled, shaking his hand absentmindedly, as if the object of his words were not right next to him.

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