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'Hello,' Solana said into her phone's microphone as she closed her front door and opened the back seat door to fetch Gekyume, who had only recently awoken from his nap.

'You here?' Gabe spoke as he left the backstage room, he was hoping to hear Solana on the phone better because the room was filled with laughter and yelling,  Solana hummed as she successfully unbuckled Gekyume with one hand before picking him up, 

'I'll come get you in right now,' Gabe said before he decided to hang up. Solana was currently parked in an alley behind the building where the concert was being held, Scheme instructed her to park there so she wouldn't be bothered by the fans and so she would have better parking,

Solana stood outside her car, waiting for Scheme to open the back door that went to the building. As she waited, she took a glance around, making careful to be aware of her surroundings. After a few moments, she heard a door open, prompting her to turn around to see Scheme.

"Hey," Gabe said as he smiled as he opened the backdoor, prompting Solana to reciprocate the gesture.

"Hey," she murmured as she moved up to him and hugged him on the side. Gabe then grabbed Gekyume and carried him down a hallway as Solana trailed close behind.

Gabe came to a halt near a closed door, but you could still hear everyone laughing in the room, so Gabe opened it before moving aside and letting Solana in to be greeted by everyone.

"Hey guys," Solana said, laughing as everyone rushed up to her and hugged her. She greeted everyone and then couldn't decide whether to hug or wave as she approached Ski. Allowing her thoughts to take control, she went for it and hugged him.

"Good luck tonight," Solana whispered as she backed away from the quick hug and faced Ski. Ski nodded as he studied her lips before returning his gaze to her eyes.

"Thank you," Ski muttered as he walked out the door, dragging everyone behind him. The group had around 5 minutes before they had to go out and perform. Solana trailed Gabe, who was still holding Gekyume in his arms.

Gabe yelled to everyone, "we out in 3 minutes," as he kissed Gekyume's cheek before giving him over to Solana.

"Stay here," Gabe said to Solana as they approached the passageways near the stage. Solana nodded and turned to face the crowd, which was eagerly waiting for the show to begin.

Apart from Gabe, who was currently on stage in the dark connecting his laptop to the sound system, causing a giggle to escape from Solana's lips due to the way he was crouched down holding his phone's flashlight for some form of light to connect everything, the rest of the gang waited by Solana waiting for the concert to began.

"Put these on Gek," As something touched Solana's arm, a voice behind her whispered something, prompting Solana to jump a little and swiftly whip her head around to see Ski behind her, holding a pair of sound-proof headphones. She leaned Gekyume towards him instead of grasping them, allowing him to put them on him,

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