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Gekyume had already been put to sleep because it was late at night. After sitting and talking for so long, everyone stood up and stretched, saying their goodbyes to Solana before returning to the bus to take us to the hotel where we were resting for the night.

As everyone said their goodbyes and left the home, I sat in my chair, watching as they left before getting up and walking over to Solana, "so," she remarked once she came face to face with me, leaving a brief moment of stillness,

"Solana, I want you and Gekyume to come to my show tomorrow night," I added, breaking the stillness; she only looked at me, perplexed.

"I want us to go back to how we were, I miss being with you-" I started to say something, but it was cut off by the front door opening, which caused both Solana and me to look around. My blood began to boil as soon as I made straight eye contact with Jay.

"Hey Stokeley, what are you doing here?" Jay asked, a broad smile on his face making me even more irritated than before. This meant that since I left for tour, Solana and Jay had gotten together and he was now living with her, and I still thought I had a chance with her.

As Jay and I gazed at each other, and Solana was left staring at each of us, the awkward tension in the air continued to increase. "Um, what were you saying Ski?" Solana murmured, shattering the hush that had once again filled the air, jolting me back to reality,

"Uh, forget about it," I muttered as I said goodbye to Solana and tightened my jaw towards Jay before opening the front door and leaving. As I made my way to the tour bus, I felt all of my emotions hit me at once.

I looked back at the house as I saw all the house lights turn off as I pushed it off and went into the tour bus, I didn't say a word to anyone and just walked back to where the couches were and laid down on one alone,



It was the next day, and I was brushing Gekyume's teeth in the bathroom so he could get ready for the day. As I was doing so, I received a notice, prompting me to look down and see Gabe had texted me.

Gabe To You:

Hey, you coming to the show tn?

I told Ski to ask you last night, 

but he said u didn't answer.

I furrowed my brows in bewilderment as I remembered Ski wanting to tell me something last night but being interrupted by Jay's arrival. In a way, I felt awful since I knew Ski would be enraged when he saw Jay.

You To Gabe:

yeah ill come, send the address

Gabe To You: 


text me when you are outside.

*Solana liked 'text me when you are outside.'*

I looked up the address and discovered it was approximately an hour away from me, I sighed thinking about the drive but shrugged it off. I grabbed Gekyume from off the bathroom counter and brought him into my room so I can get him dressed.

I dressed Gekyume after choosing an outfit which consisting of a green graphic tee shirt, black joggers, and green low top dunks, and then decided to complement him by wearing a green crop top, to match our outfits.

"Where you going?" As he stepped in on you slicking your hair back into a low ponytail with a few front strands hanging out, Jay inquired. "I'm going to Ski's concert because he wants to be with Gekyume," I stated as I laid down my edges before rising and retrieving my makeup bag.

"Oh, do you want me to feed Gekyume while you get ready?" Jay inquired as he headed towards Gekyume, who was on the bed playing with his toys. I checked the time before merely nodding and watching Jay and Gekyume leave my room via the mirror.


After a while, it was nearly 7 p.m., which meant I needed to leave right away if I wanted to make it to the performance on time, especially if I wanted to get decent parking. I went downstairs to find Jay and Gekyume laying on the couch together, watching dinosaurs, which Gekyume has recently been obsessed with.

"Come'on Gekyume," I murmured as I bent down to pick up my car keys from the dining room table. Gekyume shot his head towards me before getting off the couch and running towards me, prompting me to bend down and pick him up and place him on my hip.

"Bye, Jay, I'm leaving now." As I started to open the door and observed Jay get up from the couch and jog towards me, "Call me when you get there, bye," Jay said as he kissed me goodbye and watched me from the door as I buckled up Gekyume in his car seat and got into my car as well,

I started the car before opening my phone to seek instructions about the performance; I looked up the address to see if I could be there by 8 p.m., giving me ample time to find a parking spot. I would make it there around 7:48,

"Are you ready for the small road trip?" I said turning around Gekyume, smiling, which made Gekyume grin and clap his hands. I laughed as I turned around and backed out of the driveway.

here we go, I sighed



𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐦, 𝐈 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐛𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲.

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