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Later that day, I was relaxing in a warm bubble bath. I decided to dial the numbers and see if I could locate Jay. I dialed the first number and waited for the call to be answered.

"Is this Jay? Uhh, tonight I was dancing with you and..." A young lady's voice cut me off.

"Hello, this is Jay's girlfriend, who are you, and what are you calling my boy for?" On the other end of the line, another girl said.

"Sorry, wrong phone number," I instantly hung up... I sat there and whacked my forehead with my hand. I picked up the phone and dialed the other number.

"Is this Jay? It's me, Solána, and I'm curious-" Another girl's voice interrupted me once again.

"Yeah, this is Jay," the girl said, "but I think you dialed the wrong number."

"But Solána, are you single or trying to fuck?" the girl on the other line asked, chuckling.

"Sorry, wrong phone number, don't speak English," I said right before immediately hanging up. The last phone number was this one. I received a call from an unknown number as I was dialing it in.

I assumed it was a fraudster, so I answered and played a joke on them. A girl's voice spoke swiftly as I answered.

"Is this solána?" the girl on the other end started talking.

"Yes, this is her," I said, surprised because I hadn't expected to receive a call.

"I've got some news for you. If you could please have a seat, it would be great "while explaining everything, the girl said My heart sank as she broke the news to me. As tears began to fall down gently, my eyes began to fill with water. The news the female was telling me made my lip quiver.

"Uh okay, I'll be down there shortly," I answered, my bottom lip quivering and tears streaming down my cheeks. I hung up and quickly changed after wiping myself off in the bath.

I dashed downstairs, slipped on my shoes, grabbed my keys, and drove to the location where the lady had instructed me to meet her.


I hurried to the police station when I arrived. I went straight to the counter to be assisted by a lady.

"Please excuse me. I'm seeking for officer Young"I instantly replied to the lady. The woman who answered the phone directed me to another police officer's quarters. As soon as I went in, he began to narrate everything that had occurred.

"Officers on the scene checked the emergency contact list and found your name and phone number in his car. Is it possible for you to give me his parents' phone numbers?" said the officer.

"The phone number for his mom is (***) ***-****.
Her name is Cleo, by the way. I also don't know his father's phone number." I responded as he scribbled Jahseh's mother's phone number on a sticky note.

"Did you say he was shot during a botched robbery?" As I just heard from the officer, I said, trying to get the narrative straight.

"Did there happen to be anyone else in the car?" I blurted out something. As I was thinking about jenesis and Gekyume.

"One person was in the car, but they got out before they were hurt." The officer stated as he rummaged through the files on his desk.

"Was there a child in the car? Gekyume. He has a one-year-old son whose birthday just passed. Is he in any danger? Was he with them in the car?" I started it in a panic, hoping he would say no.

The police officer answered, "No, he was under the care of the mother," which gave me a sigh of relief.

"Unfortunately, the baby has been placed in CPS for the night since we do not believe the mother is capable of caring for the infant. When we told her the news, she burst into tears and was sent to the hospital." the officer stated.

"CPS?" I inquired as to why Gekyume was spending the night in CPS.

"Protective services for children. They have a place where they take situations like these." According to the officer.

"cases like this?" I said this while staring the officer in the eyes.

"Orphanage children," the officer said.

"Didn't you say his mother was hospitalized?" If Gekyume's mother was still living, I was perplexed as to why he was an orphan.

"She is, but she is currently too mentally ill to care for her child. We're afraid she'll damage her child by accident." While gazing down and then back up to my eyes, the officer remarked.

I shifted my gaze to the side and cried. As I sat alone in the middle of the room crying, Officer Young was summoned out of the room for additional information.

As tears streamed down my cheeks, I buried my face in my hands. I quickly picked up my head and turned it towards the door as I heard it open.

It was stokeley who had just entered the room. I leaped to my feet and dashed into his arms, sobbing into his shoulder. As he cautiously wrapped his arms around me, he stood there stunned.

We arrived at Jahsehs and Jenesis' house later that night to find it deserted. I got goosebumps on my arms as soon as I went in. As I walked in, I stood near Stokeley.

Stokeley and I wandered throughout the home, admiring Jahseh, jenesis, and Gekyume's photos. We were standing outside the master bedroom door.

I walked inside the room as tears started to fill my eyes once again, "oh my gosh" stokeley sighed as he followed me inside the room.

Stokeley leapt on the bed and cuddled the stitch stuff animal Jahseh placed in the middle of the bed while I strolled about still looking at the images.

"I can't believe he's gone," Stokeley exclaimed as he sat up in bed, still clutching the stitch.

"We were too quick to lose him," I said, my gaze shifting away from the portrait of Jahseh and Gekyume and toward Stokeley. I approached him gently as I realized Stokeley's eyes were watering.

"I wish it had been me instead of him," Stokeley whispered quietly, a tear streaming down his cheek.

As he wailed on my shirt, I stood in between Stokeley's knees and hugged him. I'm glad Stokeley didn't keep his emotions bottled inside.

I watched as Stokeley went live and informed his followers that Jahseh had passed away. He paced around the room back and forth, shaking his head, as he told them. He got off after 5 minutes of being live and sat next to me on the bed. We were both staring at the ceiling at the same time.

"What happens to Gekyume?"




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