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It's been ten days since the rescue.

Since then you have been on the Polar Tang where Shachi and Penguin have been treated.

The captain has been so merciful to give you a free bed in the sick bay. Temporarily, only for the time of your short visit. No longer, he emphasized.

You are still not trusted. You have no rights here.

You have to earn it and work for it. Hard. Harder.

You've barely seen anything of their submarine, don't know about their anchorage, nor have you met anyone of the crew. It's like you're invisible, like they're avoiding you. Captain's order?

After all, he let you into his home. Is this not a sign of trust?

You still don't understand him. Trafalgar Law is a man of a thousand mysteries.

A man of exclusivity and premium class.

But above all: He's a man of Heart.

Before taking care of his own injuries, he first healed the Heart Duo. Insisting that only he be allowed to do so. A stern, yet selfless decision. That deserves appreciation.

In the whole scenario you have been in the background. But not as hidden as before. Not only decoration. You are involved instead of just watching. You can do something, be part of it.

You have become a side character.

It will never be enough for the protagonist...

Most of the time you are with O-Chi and Pengorou - You call them even now so, from time to time – You've kept them company, waiting for them to recover. Day by day they look better. The wounds are healing well, disappearing, almost completely gone. Gone from the body, lasting in memory.

Seeing them do well fills you with satisfaction. If they're better, you're better. You don't need more.

Being with them is more than enough. A privilege you allow yourself.

A kind of routine has set in. Something you can hold on to. Normality. Life.

Today is no different. Each of your 'reunions' - no matter how short a time you were apart – are filled with worth. With Shachi and Penguin. You always are greeted by a smile and a grin. Happiness hugs your heart.

With them you are always welcome. A place of security where you can return at any time.

Like every day, you sit with them. On the stool between their hospital beds.

Your place. By their side.

"Tomorrow is the day!" Chi cheers in his usual beaming mood, "Tomorrow we'll be free, woohoo~!"

Peng, the grouch, grumbles with a half-grin. "Sounds like we're locked up in a psychiatry... getting rid of our no-one-loves-us-self-hug jackets."

Shachi tilts his head, smiling at him.

"I love you, Peng."

... "Me too."

True best friends. ... And more?

Their dearly dynamics are special, is effective inspiriting and energizing.

You feel honored to be a part of it. Of all this. A tiny little triviality in their lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2022 ⏰

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