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The captain of the Heart Pirates is a strange man.

He is surrounded by an aura of mystic and unreachability. His vibes are dominant, even passive-aggressive. The posture with pride, unshakable. Every step unfailing, elegant and well-considered.

A charisma of intelligence, sex appeal and chillness.

You look at him. Not openly, but rather intimidated and timid. Looking at him out of the corner of your eye.

You two walk together, far from each other - you diagonally behind him, he in front of you, leading. Your disharmony clearly noticeable. The heavy silence not between you, but demonstratively coming from him. Keeping you at a distance.

He has nothing to say to you. If he doesn't sympathize with you, he shows it. And he does.

You have made yourself disliked by him. Again.

Since you forced yourself on him so that he would take you along on the rescue mission, he punishes you with ice-cold indifference. He doesn't treat you like air - air has a meaning and purpose - He doesn't treat you at all.

It feels as if a meter-high wall of hardness and coldness separates you. As if he were unreachable for you, utopically far away, in an unknown dimension.

There are universes between you. And yours has no sun in it. Nothing to offer.

Trafalgar Law plays in a whole different league.

Not without reason, he is the leader of an infamous crew. He must have fought hard for this high position. A respectable man with stories beyond your imagination.

You don't know him - He doesn't want you to know.

He doesn't trust you. Why should he?

Just because you charmed two of his crew members? Ridiculous. Don't flatter yourself, arrogance doesn't suit you.

You feel so pathetic and trivial in his presence. As if you didn't have the right to breathe the same oxygen. Your life is worth less... isn't it?

This man reminds you of the authorities of your past. Reminds you of things you would rather forget. Of your past self without a face.

Your eyes turn to the ground. Making yourself small, you squint shyly at him and-

Law looks back. Looks directly at you.

Insistent, piercing, confrontational. A look of demand.

Does he expect something from you? ...But what?

What could you offer him?

His voice sounds neutral and distant.

"Lily." The appreciative 'ya' removed, downgrading you to a... stranger.

A freezing feeling squeezes your chest. When he notices it, he doesn't care.

An answer he demands;

"Why didn't you help them?"

Like sharp daggers of ice, the harsh words nail themselves into your chest.

What you're hearing out: You've let Shachi and Penguin down.

Lily Light (Shachi x Reader x Penguin)Where stories live. Discover now