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As soon as Nicholas walked into her apartment after her and shut the door, they both knew there was no going back. Nicholas didn't waste time at all. He moved towards her swiftly. His arms went around her waist as he gently pulled her close. He watched as she looked at him, stirring feelings within him that he couldn't quite comprehend.

With his eyes open and on hers , he leaned down. Barely a second later his lips were on hers. Their lips entwined and began moving in such a sync that seemed to be perfectly rehearsed.

Both wanted to be as close to each other as possible. While, he held her close, her hands were on his neck, keeping him steady. When he lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, nothing else mattered to the two but, each other. His hands journeyed from her waist to her back. His grip never hard and hurtful but always gentle and able to elicit certain things she couldn't quite comprehend.

It was as though all her sex hormones were being released at a go. She hadn't felt so good,this good,in forever. She felt shivers down her spine as his hands came in contact with her skin. He'd hitched up her top and had began tracing her back with his fingers in a slow manner. Her entire skin seemed to want his hands on her all at once.

She was moving. He was moving. He was still holding onto her ,his hands still working their magic as he led her to her bedroom.

He slowly laid her on the mattress . At this she nearly shouted in protest and was surprised to hear herself whimper. She nearly turned red in embarrassment at how badly her body was betraying her and although he didn't say anything she had caught the smile in his lips.

She almost seemed to be in pain at the loss of his touch on her. But he didn't delay and neither did he disappoint. He came to her ,his eyes like that of a  predator on its prey. He slowly pulled her top over her head. Then he began tracing her belly with his kisses.

All the while his fingers kept busy with pulling her skirt from her waist. She aided him by wiggling her waist so he could take them off.  He was doing wonders to her, making her feel like a desired woman. She wanted him to feel the same . To feel what she felt.

His tee had to go. It was causing disturbance. So she reached for it and pulled it up. Nick got the message ,stopped and wanted to pull it over his head but she stopped him, reached out to him and pulled him down to the bed space beside her. Crossing a leg over his , she pulled off his cloth ,as slowly as possible. Ensuring to allow her fingers travel along his body.

He seemed to not have expected such a sudden turn of events. On realizing this Cass smiled and reached down for his belt. He was in for the ride of his life.

Amidst the clothings littered on the bed and on the floor,Cass and Nick lay on the bed , legs entangled, his hands around her waist and her head in his chest. Their breathing slowly returning back to normal. Cassandra's fingers moved along his arm.She couldn't help but find them fascinating. She felt content and well sated . As she replayed certain scenes in her head ,she didn't realize when a huge smile formed on her lips.

“what are you thinking of?” Nick asked, his hands stroking her back.

“You” she rested on her palm which was now in his chest and looked up to see his face. He had stopped moving his hands. He obviously hadn't expected such a straight answer from her. At this she chuckled .

“ you shouldn't go around asking if you aren't ready for the answer. ” he smiled and tilted his head in thoughts, “so no regrets?”

“do I look like a woman who's regretting having slept with her boss?” This got him cracked up.

“I have no idea, humor me.”he responded.

“ No , Nick. I have absolutely no regrets at all. ” how in the world could she, he was amazing.

“ That is quite good to know” he said with a cocky grin.

“and do you?” she asked. “do you have any regrets?”

His first response would have been to wave off her question with a laugh but he felt that she needed to know, really needed to know. “ well,” he began . Then he held her hips and turned over. Placing her beneath him. He splayed his hand on her body while reaching down for a kiss. She responded as he knew she would. His hands travelled lower,from her breast to her belly, and further down below her waist. She gasped in surprise, even though she should have seen it coming. His fingers began teasing, ever slowly and on the right spots.  He broke their kiss apart and withdrew his fingers from her.

“Nick” she called out. Her voice in  protest.

“Do I look like I regret having slept with you Cass? ” his hand was on her chin , holding her gaze with his eyes. He wanted her to know that this was just a fling to him.

“No , you don't ” she said after a while .

“I don't in any way regret any of this Cass. ” he said as though in affirmation. “I desired you from the very first day I met you and despite what just happened I seem to want more” his grin gave joy to her . “ I'm ready when you are” this time he was being cocky and he knew it.

“lucky for you, ”said Cass.“ I also want more ”

“it's settled then.” he leaned in for a kiss and pulled back. Got down from the bed and reached for his trousers on the floor. He got was he was looking for from his trouser pocket.  The night was still young and he had alot in mind. It was always good to be prepared.

Getting back to bed to meet a blushing Cass. He wondered if she was aware that she blushed all over . She opened her arms, welcoming him back to bed as she  eagerly met his lips.

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