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Monday finally arrived and work continued. The bruise Cassandra had obtained on her wrist by Austin,had faded, but she choose to wear a long sleeve blouse to avoid questions.

The day went by smoothly as any other usual office day, Nicholas had been friendly and funny,they were getting along quite well and Cassandra couldn't help but wonder at times where they were headed. Of course her sensible sense told her it would be better for everyone if they remained just friends,but she knew they were both attracted to one another.

Eventually it was closing hours , Cassandra gathered her things getting ready to head home. Knocking on Nick's office door, she let herself in when he answered.
" Do you need anything else? " She asked. He looked up from the pile of papers he was reviewing,they were analysis made by the Public relations officer of the company. " No, Cass." He closed the file and stood," when will you start calling my name?" He had observed that despite telling her to call his name, avoiding all Formalities,she didn't listen.
" What will others think when they hear you being called Nicholas by me?"

He came round his table and stood in front of her," I don't care what they think , it's not their business is it?" His gaze seemed like it was piercing her soul. Lifting his right hand he cupped her face , delicately. She knew what was coming ,he was going to kiss her and she let him.

When he finally pulled away, he kissed her forehead and placed his on hers." I have been longing to do that since I saw you this morning." He said.

" There I thought you were thinking the worst of me with the way I behaved on Friday night." She muttered,but he heard her. Leaning back so that he could look into her eyes,he asked" why would you think that? What do mean how you behaved?"

"You know exactly what I mean."

" Cass I have no reason to think the worst of you, why would I? " He said." besides it was mutual."
She nodded and stepped away." I'm about heading home."
" I'll take you." He offered. " That is not necessary."
"Please I insist, I know you didn't bring your Car today."
" Thanks but,no. Jeff is taking me."she replied. As soon as the words came out of her mouth she almost took them back,but it did give her joy watching Nicholas control his anger, was he jealous?

" Jeff is a friend ,who works with HR."
" He works here?" Nicholas questioned."of course he does."
"So it makes little difference then, I'll take you instead of Jeff" seeing that she wanted to argue"boss's orders" he said with a smirk.

"Ok" she finally said " I guess there's no difference. I'll go let Jeff know I won't be going with him"
"You can just call him, you know."
"That would be like bailing on him, I'll just head down and let him know ,he is probably waiting for me already."
"Wait for me in the parking lot." Nicholas said as she turned to leave his office.

"Cass, you ready?" Jeff said as he saw Cassandra step out from the elevator.
"Actually Jeff,I won't be going with you anymore."she said
"Did anything happen?" He asked. He always drove her home anytime Ciara took her car. Why Ciara refused to buy a car was beyond her,but it wasn't like she had places to be.
"No, nothing it's just .." she hesitated ,the last thing she wanted was of Ciara to hear of it.

Jeff was amazing,well amazing might be too much of a stretch but, he was a friend. He was more of a friend to Ciara than to her,they had met when Ciara had come to cover one of the company's event. They had hit off as friends ever since they met.

"Let's get going." She was nearly startled,but she recognized the voice,it was Nicholas. Turning ,she saw him behind her,"I'll be at the parking lot."with that he left, he left her and a staring Jeff behind.

" Well I know you are his PA,but accepting rides," he said with a lift of his brows,he wasn't accusing,he was teasing. She could almost swear that she saw the wheels turning in his head."He offered." She said.
" You don't need to explain to me I totally understand, he's a hunk." He winked at her. "It's not that way, Jeff."
"What way then?"

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