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"Tell Colby we missed him." My mom told me while we walk out of Applebees.

I laughed a little bit while walking to my car. My brother nodded his head in agreement.

"Anything else?" I ask unlocking my car. "He's sexy." My brother joked causing me to laugh.

"Trust me, he already knows that." I tell them bye while getting into my car.

I texted the groupchat we made with all of us so I could tell them I'm on my way.

Once I texted them, I put some music on and pulled out of the parking lot.

It was a twenty minute drive to get air so hopefully I get there soon.

I was already dressed in leggings and a t-shirt so I don't have to change.

When I pull up, I could see everyone hanging out and waiting in the parking lot.

They were in a circle, leaning against cars and talking. I get out to see them turn to me.

"Looks like a drug deal is going on." I laugh towards them.

"Well, we can't get arrested again." Sam joked making me laugh.

I lock my car and walk over to everyone. "Arrested? I'll get deported." Zander laughed.

I sigh while looking at everyone. "Are we going in or hanging out in the parking lot?" I ask teasingly.

"I don't know, this parking lot does seem pretty fun." Colby joked while looking around.

I laugh at him while lightly pushing at him. We walk inside and pay so we can jump around.

Once we all paid, we took our shoes off and ran on the trampolines.

We started bouncing and it was honestly a blast. There was one point where we all showed each other our different tricks.

After we did tricks, we went to jump into the foam pit.

I was over at the foam pit with Kat, Stas, and Peyton while the boys were at the basketball area.

I had just climbed out of the foam pit when I noticed the three talking to each other.

"You three keeping secrets over here?" I ask walking towards them.

"We were just wondering who was talking to Colby." I snap my head in their direction.

There was a pretty blonde talking to Colby. She had tan skin and plaitnum blonde hair.

From what I could tell, she was super pretty. She could be a model.

I watch them intensely. She says something to make him nod his head.

She handed him her phone causing her to start typing on it.

For some reason, I could feel blood boil in my veins. There's no reason for me to be angry that he's getting her number.

"I have no idea who that is." I tell them. It makes me worried that everything between me and Colby has been fake.

All the flirting and joking could be fake, and it makes me super nervous. "Ashton, you okay?" Kat asked as I faked a smile.

"Why wouldn't I be? We're just friends." I remind both them and myself. They look in between each other and grimace.

The rest of the time at Get Air, I spent it avoiding Colby. Every time he would try to talk to me alone, I would make excuses.

He would make jokes and look at me to see if I would laugh. Whenever he noticed I didn't laugh, I could see a hint of sadness in his ocean eyes.

I know it's bad to be doing Colby like this, but I'm scared. It's better to shut him out and not get hurt than get hurt by letting him in.

With everything my dad put me through, it gave me a lot of trust issues. We spent the rest of the day at the trampoline park.

"We're going to get dinner together, do you want to come with us?" Colby asked with hope all over his voice.

It kinda hurt seeing him like this, but I need to push him away just in case he's the douche I thought he was originally.

"I have some laundry to catch up on, next time though." I promised him.

I swear, when he frowned, I could feel my heart hurt a lot. He nods as we all get into our different cars.

I drive to my apartment blasting music. When I get to the apartment, I go straight into my room.

I pull my laptop out so I could facetime Nolan. He's the only person who understands my thoughts on the situation.

He answered on the third ring, his face coming to the screen. "You okay?" He asked.

He was in his room and it looked like he was getting ready for work.

"I think I'm doing it with Colby." I didn't have to say anything else, he knew what I was talking about.

"Ashton." He frowned towards me. He asked what happened so I explained it to him.

When I get done, he thinks about it for a second. "Did you talk to him about it?" He asked causing me to roll my eyes.

"No, what other reason could he be grabbing her phone and typing on it for?" I ask.

He had his phone propped up so he rose his hands up in defense.

"I don't know Ash. I understand where you're coming from, I just thought you two were just friends." He had an eyebrow raised.

We talked about it while he finished getting ready. Sadly he had to go to work so he got off the call.

As I laid in bed, my door swung open to Kat and Peyton barging in here.

"I could've been undressed in here." I tell them while they stared at me.

"We missed you at dinner." Peyton pouted while sitting on my bed.

I softened up as I looked at both of them. "Yeah, I think I tired myself out at Get Air." I lied towards them.

They then looked confused while looking in between each other. "Colby said you had laundry to catch up on." Kat crossed her arms.

Fuck, they caught me in the lie. I take a deep breath while looking at them softly.

"I'm sorry guys. I just had to get out of there." I tell them honestly.

Kat sits in my office chair so she can talk. "Is it because of what happened to Colby?" I nodded my head towards Kat.

"I just don't understand why he did that?" I ask trying to wrap my head around it.

"I've known Colby for years. He wouldn't do anything to try to hurt you." She speaks honestly.

She does have a point. I just shrug while I look over towards them.

"I know, I just have really bad trust issues and I tend to push people away." I tell them honestly

Peyton understands why I push people away. "Why?" Kat asked curiously.

I inhale a deep breath. I trust Kat. She's never proved me wrong.

"It's easier. I don't get hurt." I tell her. We hang out in my room for a while, talking and gossiping.

They hinted that I should talk to Colby about it. Even though I didn't want to, I think I should.

During this past month, we have gotten closer. I think I'm gonna give it a chance.

Other than this moment, he's never proved me wrong. It's weird, if it was anyone else, I wanna push them away.

But I want Colby in my life.

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