V: We're Playz Now

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Courtney could run to him, as fast she can. But the shock he'd brought to her had her needing to go to the hospital. It turns out she had stood still for a almost two hours, and that they were afraid she was dead. She'd been so numb that she was not blinking. It was also as if her breathing had stopped. But her heartbeat had been so fast. Palpitating, unmistakably. She'd been crying in the hospital until she was sent off. Immediately asking to be droved over to Shayne's place. She almost threw tantrums, but knew better not to. And she felt like she was wasting each second that passed by. Shayne was an urgent matter that she needed to be with.  It felt like life and death. She wasn't going to feel better unless she talks to him. He meant everything to her. It was unfair how she'd reacted to his declaration of love for her. She was meant to say she loved him too. That's how it was supposed to be. Courtney had been wishing for him to say it to her, to hear those exact words, for god knows how long, and now this is how she had acted? She didn't want to be the girl who got what they want and ended up being so ungrateful for it. It had meant so much to her. He meant so much to her. And she needs to let him know that.

"I'm gonna be fine. I swear."

When the worry in the air had past and everyone had left her alone, she decided to just make a run for it. Grabbing her running shoes, a small bag to carry her phone and her wallet, and tied her hair. She went off without a damn.

It didn't matter if it was a bit far. Or that everyone gave her a funny look as she ran. Or that she might get hit by fast moving vehicle. Or that she might encounter and even participate at a random fist fight on the streets. Or even if she gets tired halfway through. She swear she would never stop until she gets to him. She'll let him know that he didn't screw up anything and that it was the other way around. He needs to hear the truth about everything, about how she really felt about him.


Shayne stared at his phone. The weather forecast says it was raining. And so he opened up his blinds, made himself some coffee, sat in front of his window and  watched as the rain poured, heavily. His crying had already ended. And he was out of tears, too.
At least the rain was something he could look forward to as his distraction. It hardly rained in these areas, but when it does, it does.

Crazy how the rain reminds him of himself. There's no stopping the rain, like there was no stopping him earlier this morning. Every droplet from the cloud is like the teardrops he'd just let out. He had never liked it when it rained. Everything was wet and dangerous, and idle, during it. And rain brings flood, which was never good. But now he finds a sudden liking to it in his melancholy. The association of the feeling of loneliness to this weather, and it's linked to how he had been feeling. He always found comfort on the things he could relate to. He listened to the sound of it. And he felt calmer. Shayne enjoys it as it's still there, knowing rainy days end. That in time all of this will dry up. But maybe the damage he had done to himself, and to Courtney, is a wound time might not be able to mend at all. The wound lead by his stupidity. Damn. Now he had just lost a friend, and maybe had lost more than simply that.


The rain came pouring down without a warning. But it didn't stop her. She's getting close. Though she's already soaked, and knows she'll probably end up sick, it will not keep her from getting there. Let the rain pour. Let the lightning hit. She doesn't care. She'll keep running for dear life.
And almost cried when she reaches a familiar view. Almost there, Courtney. She wipes the water and moisture out of her eyes, and began to slow her pace. She got into his apartment complex and ran up the stairs, skipping two steps at a time to be quicker. She panted and sobbed by the time she was in front of his door. And without any hesitation, she knocks.

Inside, he wonders who could be knocking at a time like this. Shayne did not have any package coming in as far as he knows. So, what, and who, could this be? He slowly opens the door, and his jaw drops when it revealed someone he did not think, in his wildest dreams, would be here at this moment. Out of all people, it was Courtney. She was standing, cold, shaking, soaked from the rain.
"Are you insane?" Was all he could choke out.
"Yeah, no. It's been a rough day, you know," she tries to play it cool, but was obviously failing.
"Of course it has been," Shayne's eyes had stayed low, Crap. I couldn't even look at her.
"Fuck. You know what, I'm sorry I froze." She finally blurts out, unable to have self-control anymore. "What you said shocked me so much that I was petrified for a good two hours. And shit, I wanted to say something, but I didn't even have the muscle to open my mouth. I was paralyzed out of too much happiness. And I'm sorry for being afraid to tell you what I feel right away, but could you blame me, though? I had no idea that you would have some way of reciprocating. So, now, what I really wanted you to know is that I've always known that you like me, even from the very beginning..."
Shayne was now on the edge, his nails had been buried in his palm, and he was slowly racking himself back and forth. Here goes another one. He cracks his thumb knuckle out of nervousness.
"And that I've always known how I like you, too. Like you so much that--best believe it, it might even be love. Because I seriously think that I'm in love with you." 
"Courtney," His body has quickly relaxed, and he slowly charges himself at her, hands thrown around her to pull her closer to him as swift and absent-minded as he could. "You have no idea how much I wanted to hear that. If I'm dreaming don't wake me up. If I'm dead, don't bring me back to life." He mutteres, kissing her forehead. The action had taken them both a bit aback.
"You're not dreaming. You're not dead. I just love you." She says, chuckling through her tears. "Plus, I'm soaking wet, so good luck to your shirt."
"I don't mind. At all. Because I've always wanted to hug you. And now I could finally do it even outside of sketches." Shayne presses another kiss on her head. "And we should probably get you in, before you catch a cold." And so, Shayne had led Courtney inside his flat, with breaking away from her embrace.

"It'll be worth it, though." She whispers and they both laugh.

They cuddle in the couch, and Courtney was now changed on one of Shayne's shirts. Everything Courtney fantasized before bed, was now happening before her very eyes.

"So, tell me, how'd you get here, and why were drenched in rain water?" He asks as she plays with his fingers.

"I ran up that hill." She replies.

"What? You ran your way here?" It was unbelievable. He thought she was straight up lying, and so he throws her a half surprised and half skeptical look. "Are you kidding me?"

"Yeah. I literally just ran. But don't worry, it's worth it." She says, smiling reassuringly.

"Why did you have to do that? You could've called or left a text or just ..."

"I wanted to get to tell you everything in person, because that's the right thing. And because you got to tell me what you feel in person, too. So, yeah. I also couldn't wait for tomorrow. Just-no."

Shayne squeezes her tenderly.
"Court, I don't think I deserve you running through the rain for me,"

"Well, sorry because I think you do. You deserve it. And what gives? It's all because I love you like that."

"And I love you like that, too." This was long awaited. And it really didn't matter if things between them escalated quickly. For once, it was their happiness they were thinking. Letting things be in the way they feel like it. And finally ending all the games that they have been playing. The end of Shartney's hide and seek.

"Everything is worth it." Shayne now satisfied knowing no friend was lost that day. And that he had finally caught Courtney Miller, and that he had also been caught by her. (No special forces needed.)
Courtney Miller: (Pinned by Smosh Pit)
I was immediately knocked over and shayne left me in the pile

This is the last chapter. Thank you for reading this fanfic. I hope you enjoyed it, because I really enjoyed writing it. It's so nice to share my crazy shipping stories and thoughts with you guys. And I really love shipping Shartney. Anyway, this might be the only thing I'll be posting, if not, there might be something new on Evey Smosh One-shot Ever. I'm still thinking about what else I could write. So, yeah. This has been the very short Hide and Seek. I hope you guys liked it, and once again thank you so much for your support for this fic and as well as my other works. I highly appreciate it.

Lots of love,

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