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America stared at his husband in complete disbelief and bursted into tears. That's all he seemed to do lately ever since Russia entered his happily married life.

"America, why are you crying again?" Soviet huffed and rubbed his aching head. Though, he knew exactly what his beloved American was upset about. To get rid of Russia, Soviet had been going to a certain x-country that definitely threatened the very seams of their relationship.

"This is the fifth time you've gone to Reich's house today! Without even letting me come with you too!" America sobbed into his fragile pearl white hands. "You know how much I hate him!" He sniffed and wiped away the tears and snot sliding down his face. He was ugly crying at this point, but he just couldn't stop. Reich was such an evil being, who tormented everyone he loved. At one point, Reich had his blood-stained claws all over his dear husband and American simply couldn't accept that happening once again.

Soviet took a step forward to comfort him, but just as he did so, he cried out in pain.

"Sovi?" America hurriedly wiped away his many tears to only see Russia's sympathetic frown leering down at him. Seeing the eerily familiar Russian figure reach out for him made the America burst into a bitter bubble of laughter. That's all he could simply do at this point. So he laughed and laughed and cried and cried in a very confused Russian's arms.


America sobbed under his covers as he reread the text message Japan sent him a few days ago.

'I'm sorry, America, but we just can't be friends anymore.'

Sure, America has been different, but he was dealing with a midlife crisis at the moment. Seriously, his own husband would disappear into an alter ego of himself in a blink of an eye. Then, that alter ego would excitedly stay by America's side which only reminded him of his missing husband. "This sucks." America sighed as he pushed more tears out of his eyes. He then rolled his irritated orbs as he decided he would no longer feel sorry for himself. "She just doesn't understand."

The moping American flipped out of bed and dragged himself to his dimly lit bathroom. His different hued blue eyes raked over his saggy appearance. With a frown, he studied his messy red, white, and blue hair. The circles under his blood red puffy eyes didn't improve his looks either. Plus, as he turned to the side, it appeared he was gaining weight which threw him into a fit of despair. Tears spilled from his eyes as he desperately searched for a way to bring his Soviet back. Though, nothing seemed like it could possibly work. The devastated American slid to the floor and sobbed while waiting for his beloved husband to somehow come back.


Sorry this is short but I was just really trying to focus on America's view point this chapter-

Anyway let's hope my bb Ame can get through this ;-;

I feel so bad for making him so sad : (

Ight well on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 bring the saddest) how sad are you based off of America's sadness?

Ight peace out!!!

~ Wordsperminute

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