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All these head splitting headaches that plagued the Russian's brain didn't come about randomly, Soviet reasoned. The tall, lumbering man was hunched over in his favorite rocking chair positioned by his ever so warm fireplace while simply thinking about his situation. His eyes were glued to the wooden floor below as he traveled through his memories to try to find a cause for this curse. Then, suddenly a very painfully memory popped into his mind.


"You never listen to me!" A sobbing American shouted from the other side of a locked bathroom door.

Soviet leaned against the wooden door with tears also slipping down his cheek. "I'm sorry, любовь (love). Please don't do anything rash. Just open the door and I'll listen to everything you have to say!"

A silence stretched between them before the American finally decided to give the man an answer. "No! Go away! I want to be alone." Then, a mournful wail broke into the air as many body-shaking sobs followed after.

Soviet shook his head, though he knew the American couldn't see him. "Come out right now! I mean it! Or we're over!" Just after shouting those three words, Soviet crippled in pain from the worst, searing headache he's ever had in his life. His breaths came in and out rapidly as he groaned in absolute pain.

"Sovi???" His beloved American ripped open the door to find Soviet wilting on their bedroom floor. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" America screamed which didn't help Soviet's headache in the slightest.

"Ame..." Soviet winced as another wave of pain hit him straight on.

"Oh, Sovi, I'm sorry." America sobbed while getting down on his knees to cradle Soviet's head into his lap.

"Shushhhh, it's okay, Ame." Soviet whispered while reaching out to caress his lover's face. "I'll be fine, I promise."

The distraught American leaned into Soviet's touch and took some calming breaths. "What happened to you, Sovi?"

"I'm not sure, любовь (love)." Soviet began to caress his own forehead tenderly. "I have no idea at all..."


Soviet snapped out of his daze as he realized his favorite music was playing from somewhere in the house. He could faintly hear the happy hums of his lover which drove a big happy smile to his face. He lifted himself out of his comfortable, scarlet rocking chair to go and investigate. Each step he took made a soft thunk against the beautiful red carpet America picked out for the hallway years ago. A warm light illuminated from their cozy kitchen which gladly invited him in. He found America happily cooking his favorite fish just how he liked it. The sight of his lover made his heart melt into a loving mess. "Lunch time already?" He took a few more steps to hug his American from behind.

America turned around with a bright smile on his breath-taking face. "More like dinner, silly!" He wrapped his small arms around the other and left a warm kiss on Soviet's jaw.

In order to beat America in the affection fest, Soviet showered the shorter male with kisses. A small, warm smile bloomed on his face as he watched his lover's cheeks grow slightly red. At this point, they'd been together for several years, so the fact that America still blushed from his affection was quite adorable to him. "Geeze, I love you, Ame."

America's face grew warmer as he passionately kissed the other. "I love you too, Sovi." They stayed like that for a few moments just admiring each other with loving expressions. Though, that sadly came to an end when a sharp beeping hit the air. "Our dinner!" The American cried out and pried himself out of Soviet's arms to save their food. The thick smell of smoke filled their little kitchen as Ame opened the oven. The fire alarms bursted to life and started to scream their warnings to the two lovebirds below them. Soviet sighed as he lumbered off to silence the alarms while America carefully revealed several burned fish. Due to his frustration, the American decided to just throw away the whole pan, but forgot that it was still fiery hot from the warmth of the oven. "AHHHHHH-! MY HAND!" The American dropped to the ground while crying over his intense injury.

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