Will This Convince You

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Jojo stared as the scarecrow wriggled uncomfortably on the pole. Surely she was in a dream, this wasn't real. She glanced down at her arm and gave herself a hard pinch.


The scarecrow stopped her struggles and noticed Jojo's self-inflicted pinches. Her face became incredulous.

"What did you do that for?"

"You're not real!"

"Sure I am. Look."

Lisa the scarecrow opened the top two buttons on her ruffly blouse and reached inside. Jojo's eyes became huge as she reached in and pulled out....a wad of straw.

The scarecrow threw it at her face. The grass tickled as it swept down her cheeks. She couldn't move. A scarecrow had just pulled straw out of her bra...and threw it at her.

"That truly wasn't necessary."

"Oh yes it was. Now do you believe me?"

Jojo raised an eyebrow. This new friend was night and day different than her usual fare of friends. She decided she liked her though. She moved forward and looked around the back of the pole Lisa was hooked to. A bent nail stuck out the back.

"Brace yourself...."

To be continued......

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