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Yes, here's the new story I've been waiting so long to write and post!! I know it's a little random and abrupt from my side to write this one when I already have a few side lined.. but it is what it is.

Before you get going with the prologue. I had this all planned out to do something new by adding music to scenes! I do a little bit of music production and thought that I can enhance the scene by adding music to it. I thought wattpad might support audio addition. It did, before but not anymore so... The theme I prepared (just a random melody) for this book. I uploaded it on YouTube and the videos below. If you want you can listen to the short music before you start the update.

Thanks a lot for the support guys, hope you enjoy this one❤️❤️❤️

The monsoon season brings with it a sense of renewal, as the rains wash away the dust and heat of the dry season

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The monsoon season brings with it a sense of renewal, as the rains wash away the dust and heat of the dry season. The air is filled with the sweet scent of earth and the sound of raindrops on the roof.

As the rain falls, it reminds us of the beauty and power of nature, and the importance of cherishing simple pleasures in life.

But it was easier said than done for many.

"What wrong did I do? What was my fault?" The inner voice of a Man echoed in the splash and thunder of the rain. The gentle shower masked his tears and sorrow as he walked through the streets, drenched and alone.

His heart ached with the thought of betrayal, pierced by the backstabbing dagger that went right through him. He felt so numb that he lost the track of time and place.

He trudged through the rain, his head hung down. He never thought such thing would happen with him but he was wrong. As the water ran down his face, mixing with the tears, he couldn't hold it any longer but feel a sense of despair wash over him. He got repaid in betrayal for his good deeds.

He didn't knew for how long he walked, his limbs were slowly numbing, yet he walked monotonously. He almost gave in to the tiredness and lost all the hopes when a glimmer of light appeared in a distance, blinding him for a second.

Amidst the cold breeze that made him shiver with each passing second, the beacon of light oozed warmth from it. He could feel the urge to go towards it, drawn to it.

His feet paced, his trudge changed, his hung down head straightened up.

After a few steps, his pace slowed down again. The hurt taking a toll of him. The more he wanted to go towards that warm and soothing beacon of light, the more his mind played flashbacks of the dreadful moments that he had been through.

The tears that stopped flowing for a while, started flowing once again as he cried a little more.

From the blurry vision, he looked at the beacon with longing, hating himself for not being able to go near it, cursing his destiny for being so cruel, concluding that he was cursed and not meant to find peace in his life.

But he was proved wrong enough immediately when the beacon of light started growing onto him. He wondered about the change in its size only to realize that it was nearing him, he didn't had to move but the light came towards him.

Elated, he waited with bated breathe and squeezed through the pain he felt in his legs, almost giving up on him, he stood through it.

The light grew and grew, from the size of a peanut to almost of his height.

The Man's breathe hitched, he gasped for it, almost fainted as his vision gave up, but before he did, he raised his arm and touched the beacon, before falling on his knees.

"You okay?" He heard the sweetest voice he has heard in a while. Curious, he looked up from his kneeled down position and was fascinated by the silhouette of a woman with an umbrella that walked through the beacon towards him.

"You.." His voice hoarse, confused, "where.. wha..." He was lost at words at the lady who looked like a divine intervention. He looked past her, trying to find the beacon of light, but it just disappeared.

"Do you need something?" She asked.

The Man looked into her eyes, his eyes filled with pain and hopelessness.

"I don't know where I'm going. I don't know what to do" His voice cracking.

"It's okay. You don't have to figure it all out right now. Just one step at a time." She advised taking a step towards him, sheltering him under the umbrella.

The Man was mesmerized by her voice, there was this sweet scent of sandalwood that lurked around her, mixed with the natural aroma of wet soil.

Her cheeks had this shade of crimson with a darker one right on her nose.

"Now, the first step" She smiled radiantly "Get up" She recommended.

"I don't know if I can" The Man shook his head.

"Of course you can!" She assured giving her hand to him "come on!" She cheered flaunting her perfect whites.

The Man looked at her palm and then back at her face. He doesn't even know her, not even her name, yet he felt like obeying to her and he did.

With a deep breathe, he gave his everything and raised his arm taking her hand in his.

"Good!" She appreciated his efforts and gave a little tug as if her small tug would pull his big frame up.

The Man struggled to make his limbs obey his orders. He turned cold feet, literally but she pulled him strongly this time and with much difficulty, he managed to get up.

Her palm was half his size, her touch was different. It didn't felt strange, it felt warm and soothing. As if energized by her touch and support, he stood up.

When he stood facing her was the only time he realized how small her frame was compared to his, yet how independent and brave she stood in the thundering rain.

"Well done!" She cheered like she cheered for a small child, but that helped him.

Her enchanting smile warmed his heart and unknowingly his lips curved into a smile to.

In the misery and chaos, he somehow found the strength and support to hold onto. He found someone who he can rely on. Will he get over the betrayal that took everything from him and move on? Will this Woman make him forgive his sadness? Who is this mystery woman?

Let's find out together, in,

MONSOON: in the rains...

MONSOON: in the rains

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Monsoon: In the rainsWhere stories live. Discover now