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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉* * *

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January 1976

Juliet was feeling so terribly sick that her friends had to take her to the Hospital Wing. James decided to stay with the passed out pale girl, despite Madam Pomfrey reassuring him that she would be completely fine by dinner time.

Marlene, Pandora and Amos saw the three other Marauders when they exited the room, Sirius immediately questioned them about what had happened, and they were soon enough told that Juliet was back to normal.

There was a certain relief washing through everyone's eyes, but no one really could tell what Remus was feeling, he looked absent, and they knew he was undeniably hurt by everything though he probably knew it wasn't his girlfriend's fault.

"POISONED?" Juliet screamed, sitting up in the bed.

She woke up and immediately asked what led her to be laying there, not truly able to remember anything from when she was in a sort of trance. James filled her in with everything they knew of.

"Ms. Potter, I'm very glad to see you awake but please refrain from raising your voice in the medical wing." Poppy warned with a raised eyebrow, handing her a potion that Juliet assumed would serve as antibiotics.

"Apologies." She mumbled.

Drinking the potion down with her brother's insistent stare on her, she was told by the matron that she was free to go but should be careful with what she ate in the following days.

Furious, Juliet stomped towards the Great Hall where she knew everyone else would be, her twin brother following her with a terrified look.

The second she made it there, she paused, looking around for her target. James took advantage of that to try and stop her by grabbing on her arm. But, it was of no use, Juliet easily shrugged him off, walking towards the Slytherin table. As for James, he made his way to the other side of the room to alert his friends.

Gryffindors and Slytherins being on opposite sides, that was not a benefit if he was trying to prevent his sister from causing a scene, because she had all the time in the world to do so. However, Amos had noticed the twins the second they stepped into the room, and despite his table being right next to the Gryffindors, he immediately stood up once he saw where his best friend was headed.

She stopped in front of the boy responsible for her poisoning, hands into clutched fists and eyebrows furrowed. The few Slytherins glared at her, clearly not pleased by her presence, but she truly couldn't care less, and she waited until he was to notice her.

It barely took a few seconds for him to notice everyone staring at something behind him. During those few seconds, Amos and Pandora, who had also noticed the situation were only a few steps away from the girl.

However, neither were quick enough as she punched him right in the face before they could reach her.

Though Amos immediately lifted the girl by the waist, stepping back a bit while Pandora stood in front of her, hoping that blocking her view would appease her nerves.

The scene now had the entirety of the Great Hall's attention, Juliet's friends were all making their way there, and Regulus who was only a few seats away, stood up, staring confused between the Gryffindor girl and his friend.

"Poisoning me!? With a love potion!? How fucking desperate are you, you nitwit!?" The brunette girl screamed at the boy who had stumbled back from the shock and was now holding his cheek.

"What?" He mumbled, eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah, dipshit, I'm back to normal, suck on that!" She attempted to go and hit him again but was once again held back by her best friends.

"What is the meaning of this?" A stern voice exclaimed from behind the group of teenagers.

Juliet didn't need to look to recognise it, she was busy glaring at the Slytherin boy with a red mark on his face. Alice, who was standing the closest to Minerva McGonagall, shyly spoke up.

"Crouch gave Juliet a love potion, Professor."

Bewildered by the news, Minerva looked between the two named teenagers before sparing a small glance at Remus, standing on the side.

"We will take this to-"

"Tell my why you did it, you git." Juliet spat, her eyes never leaving the newfound enemy.

Bitterly chuckling, Bartemius stared up at her. "Why? What's so wrong with wanting to know what is it that everyone has been talking about? What's so special about Juliet Potter?"

Sensing the girl's body tensing up, Amos relaxed his grip on her, and she stood there, as though frozen, but the tough expression was still on her face.


"Don't pretend." He laughed, feeling as though he had the upper hand in the situation. "Everyone knows. You know, and..." He glanced towards where Mulciber and Avery were sitting smugly.  "They know."

"What the fuck did you just say?" James suddenly said, lunging at the Slytherin.

It all went so fast.

James and Bartemius engaging into a physical fight, Snape, Mulciber and Avery attempted to intervene but they ended up getting into a fight with Sirius, Amos and Marlene who stepped in to stop them. Regulus had forced Wilkes and Rosier to sit back down, using force as he was himself very irritated with them. Professors McGonagall, Slughorn and Sprout, along with Remus, Peter and Dorcas, were trying to separate them all.

As for Juliet, she was standing there, watching all of it happen but not really able to see or hear anything. The yells sounded so far away, she couldn't hear the students cheering nor those fighting. Her vision was slightly blurry, but she only noticed that it was due to the tears when she finally could see Pandora staring at her with worried eyes.

"I need to get out." She had told her best friend, who hurriedly nodded, escorting the girl out with Alice.

"It's okay, Jules." Her Gryffindor friend tried to console her.

But, it wasn't. Juliet knew what he was referring to. Most could tell. Others had their suspicions.

At that point, she couldn't care any less about that. She was just tired of feeling dirty and used all the time.

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our poor little baby

and hmmmm I wonder what's going to happen to MoonLove/Pupin/Ruliet now?

THE LOVER AND THE BELOVED // remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now