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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉* * *

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March 1975

Juliet Potter did not think twice before running past Hagrid's Hut and into the Forbidden Forest. She ran in every direction, looking for a small girl, regretting not asking her name before leaving the Hufflepuffs behind.

It was about one in the morning when she started searching, and two when she was starting to get tired. Thinking that the girl might be in a deeper section of the forest, she let herself slide in between the ancient trees. Her robe would eventually snag on low-slung branches and brambles, but she didn't let it stop her in her search.

"Hello?" She'd yell occasionally.

And she got a scream as a response. Running towards the area from which the scream came, she clutched her wand in her hand, ready to fight. When she caught a glimpse of a small girl, trembling on the ground, she was relieved to see her safe.

That was the exact moment she cursed herself for talking too fast. Because then she saw the full moon in the sky, heard a loud growling sound before a werewolf appeared a few meters away.

"Shit." She muttered.

Instinctively, she ran to the girl, transforming in her animal form in the process. The white mare galloped so fast that she even surprised the werewolf who was about to attack the first-year.

It growled again but the horse stood tall in between the creature and the girl. The werewolf raised its arm, and in a movement, scratched the horse's side making it stumble to the floor.

Before the werewolf could attack again, a stag appeared in front of the mare, pushing it back with its antlers. Juliet recognised it as James and while he was fighting off the lycanthrope, she stood up, and neighed at the crying girl, nodding at her own back.

It seemed the younger girl understood that the horse was telling her to ride her back and she hesitated but it took a howl from the werewolf for her to oblige.

Though hurt pretty badly, Juliet galloped out of the forest with the girl on her back. It took her some time to find the exit but when she spotted a cabin, she was glad to see Dumbledore, Sprout and McGonagall talking with Hagrid. When they were spotted, the three adults rushed to them and Hagrid helped the girl off.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! That boy told me to come here, and I didn't want to, but he said my owl was here, and I didn't want it to be alone, and then I saw it, and then this horse saved me but now it's hurt and it's all my fault!" She rambled, crying.

Hagrid inspected the wound. "Poor thing. Come on let's get ya healed." He said as the girl was being brought back to the castle by the Professors.

Juliet cursed in her head. She needed to change back into her human form and she couldn't possibly do it now or she would be discovered. So she avoided Hagrid and trotted back to the forest. She wasn't experimented enough to hold longer.

When she was far enough, she changed back, leaning against a tree and holding onto her left side tightly.

She was too weak to walk back, so she used her robe for a pressure point and stayed there to gather her strength.

It was four and a half in the morning when the moon left the sky. Juliet heard terrifying shrieks and assumed it was the werewolves transforming back. A few minutes later, she heard footsteps.

And there they were, the Marauders. They were helping a hurt Remus to walk. She knew James was there but did not know of the other three's presence.

When she was about to let them know she was there, she heard Remus' voice. "Wait. It smells like blood."

"You scratched a horse earlier." James told him.

"Is it dead?" He received a negative answer and sighed in relief.

Juliet froze behind the tree. It hit her like a truck. The disappearances, the amazing smelling ability, the Marauders being Animagi, the full moon.

Remus Lupin was a freaking werewolf.

It didn't scare her, though her first meeting with the creature wasn't the greatest. She heard his shrieks of pain. And she just hoped he was alright even when herself absolutely wasn't.

She had so many questions. And was a bit hurt for being left in the dark, but yet again, was she close enough to him for her to know?

Now, it all seemed ridiculous. She became an Animagus so she could be accepted by them. They became Animagi so they could be with Remus during full moon. She cursed her younger self for being so obsessed with being acknowledged by the four boys.

But there was no backing out of it now.

Carefully, when the boys left, she stood up and walked out of the forest, a bloody hand on her wound.

By the time she arrived to the castle, she was already dizzy. But it was too early, or perhaps too late. Nobody would be able to help her, so she made her way to the medical wing, sometimes stumbling, breathing with difficulty.

Well, she has been bleeding out for three hours.

Juliet clumsily pushed the door open, stumbling on her feet but grabbing on the wooden door to prevent her fall. She leaned against it and looked up seeing five bewildered faces watching her.

Madam Pomfrey and the Marauders. The school's healer left Remus' side and rushed to the girl. Remus was sitting on the bed, in shock while the three boys by his side seemed frozen.

"Hey Poppy. I don't think I can make it to school today." She smiled weakly before losing consciousness.

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I needed to write it before I forgot

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