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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉* * *

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Summer 1975

The summer came to an end quickly, to the students' dismay. Nobody really ever wanted to go to school. Unless you were Lily Evans. Lily loved to learn. Others loved to hang out and have fun.

Though this was the case until recently. Whenever people went out in a wizard village, you could feel the tension. Nobody could be trusted, and everyone was scared. There were killers among them.

But most of them did try to ignore the situation, though it was becoming harder everyday. It had been five years since Voldemort openly proclaimed himself the Dark Lord, committing acts of terrorism and expanding his army of Death Eaters. Things were starting to get worse, it was not an issue that needed to be dealt with anymore, it was a now a major conflict.

The Minister of Magic, Eugenia Jenkins, just got replaced by Harold Minchum. They thought she was inadequate to deal with the challenge. Juliet was very invested when it came to politics and she completely disagreed with the Ministry. If anyone was fit for that job, it was Eugenia Jenkins, after all, she dealt extremely well with the pure-blood riots during the Squib Rights marches a few years back. The twins were still children at that time but they remembered their parents talking about it.

The rest of the summer, Juliet and James spent quality time with their parents. The twins also grew slightly closer than they used to be, as they took the time to sit down and talk about their relationship. Juliet told him she felt replaced and neglected, and he told her he felt like she didn't trust him enough to tell him anything. So, they started working on their issues and were now in better terms.

The brunette girl also wrote often to her best friends and her Gryffindor mates, and though she did not directly contact the Marauders, she did tell James to greet them for her whenever she saw him writing them. Which was almost every day.

Another major event of their summer happened to be related with Sirius Black. The charmer of Hogwarts appeared on the Potters doorstep, soaked by the rain, tears in his eyes yet a huge smile on his lips. The scene was vaguely familiar, they remembered the time Pandora Lestrange ran away and came to them, only to be adopted by the Diggorys later on.

Sirius had broken away from the Black family, which was no surprise, as he rejected the values of the House of Black his entire life. He took refuge with the twins and their parents.

One day, James and Sirius got the parents authorization to go out with Remus and Peter for the latter's birthday. Juliet decided not to join, though she did get the blonde boy a gift, giving it to her brothers so they could give it to him for her. It was a peaceful day at home, Juliet was learning how to play Wizard Chess with her father while her mother was braiding her hair.

They were having a great time until Walburga Black apparated in front of their house, hysterically screaming for her son to come out. It had been a week since Sirius had left. Juliet was terrified, she knew everything that horrible woman ever did and definitely did not want to get on her bad side.

Euphemia calmly went to open the door, and the woman stormed in, still screaming her eldest son's name. Though terrifying, Juliet had to admit that Walburga Black was an extremely beautiful woman. Black hair and grayish blue eyes that reminded her of Regulus.

"Tell him to come down, this instant!" Walburga screamed at the woman.

"Mrs. Black, you need to calm down." Euphemia stated.

"What's mum doing? Never in the history of 'calm down' has anyone calmed down when being told to calm down." Juliet whispered to her father who tried to contain his snicker.

"Filthy blood traitors. I should have known better than letting my son stay around yours. It's your fault he is like this." She threw them a disgusted glance.

"Way to go, Mrs Black. Blame the others for educating your son better than you ever could." Juliet smirked at her, her tone sarcastic.

"Excuse me!?" The glaring woman exclaimed. The brunette girl almost flinched but composed herself and stood her ground.

"You heard me. Lady, you're a terrible person, let alone a mother. You can't expect him to blindly follow your delusional theories about the bloodlines when all you've done your entire life was to mistreat him and Regulus."

"Oh, because you know so much better. I've heard about you Miss Potter, naughty things. The Mulciber family seems to think of you as the worst slag to ever exist." Juliet's heart dropped.

"That's enough!" Euphemia yelled. "You do not get to storm into my house and insult my family as you wish! Get out, now!"

"Not until I get my son." She refused.

"He's not here. Now you either get out or I will make you." Fleamont responded, his glare matching his wife's.

Walburga stared between the three, and with a furious scream, she apparated away.

When Sirius and James got back home, they were drunk so the family decided not to tell them about the events of the day. But the boys were informed the next morning after questioning them on Juliet's sulking. Needless to say they were furious at the insults, but also quite nervous, what if she came back?

But Walburga Black nor any other member of the Black family came back. They learnt that the day she barged into the Potters mansion, she was so outraged she blasted his name off the family tree. He was now officially disowned. Well, not fully, since Sirius' uncle Alphard sympathised with him and left him a large inheritance in his will. They did not know if that caused him to be blasted off the tree too but they could see Sirius was touched that Andromeda was not the only one to side with him.

Though the Potter family could tell he was heartbroken that his brother did not.

Juliet wrote to Regulus after Siris ran away, multiple times, but she never received an answer. Neither did her other friends. She was worried about him but figured he needed time to process the loss. She did however not leave him alone, she made sure he had news from his brother and that she was here if he ever needed to talk.

Euphemia and Fleamont ended up generously adopting Sirius as a son and Juliet ended up with two brothers by the end of that summer.

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Eva Green as Walburga Black

I bought a lavender diffuser. Wanted candles but this will do

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