Alex x Male! Reader [ ☁️ ] - EnGAMEment

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Requested by @blue11086 . Hope you like it!


You hadn't been this nervous in a long time. You messed with the small velvet box in your pocket before pulling it out to examine the pristine pendant again. Yoba, I hope he says yes. You had worked it out with the Zuzu City Tunnelers stadium to be on the "Kiss Cam" at halftime, so you could propose on the big screen to your longtime boyfriend tonight. You pushed the box back into your pocket alongside two tickets for tonight's gridball game. You quickly put on a Zuzu City Tunnelers t-shirt and packed your boyfriend's favorite jersey. You set out from your farm to his ice cream stand on the other side of the river that encircled Pelican town.

You had called the stadium earlier to ensure that everything was set up for your proposal. You and Alex had been dating for almost two years and you were ready to spend the rest of your life with him. He was so much more than the cocky gridball star you had first met when you moved to Stardew Valley. As you had grown closer, he opened up to you about the difficult loss of his mother and his traumatizing childhood. It broke your heart that the man you loved had been through so much. You promised yourself that as his (hopefully) future husband, you would make sure he never experienced pain like that again.

You had asked his grandparents and guardians, George and Evelyn Mullner, for their blessing on your proposal yesterday after you had secured the Mermaid's Pendant. You knew you didn't need to, but it would matter to Alex, so you were more than willing to. You were almost to the ice cream stand and you could see your boyfriend's surprised face as he saw you approach.

"Babe?" He asked as you stopped in front of him. "What are you doing?"

"I have a bit of a surprise for you." You grinned as you pulled out the gridball tickets, careful to not expose the jewelry box. 

Alex's jaw dropped. "Tunnelers' tickets?" You nodded as he ran around the stand to give you a big hug. "Oh, thank you, (Y/N)!" He gave you a quick kiss on the lips. "You're the best boyfriend a guy could ask for." You tried to hide the obvious blush forming on your cheeks. Alex was sparing with his compliments, so receiving one always made your heart flutter.

"Thanks, babe." You grinned. "They're for tonight, so we can head over to the bus stop whenever you're ready."

"I'm ready!" Alex joked, quickly slamming the ice cream case down. You sat with him while he finished closing the small stand before heading towards the bus stop hand in hand. You quickly purchased two bus tickets and climbed aboard the shuttle.

"I was thinking we could get dinner before the game." You suggested. "I heard there's a new steakhouse that's supposed to be pretty good." You hoped Alex would go for the idea, seeing that you had already made a reservation for tonight.

"That sounds delicious." Alex agreed as he cuddled into the side of you and rested his head on your shoulder. You wrapped your arm around him. He was always tired after standing in the hot sun at the ice cream stand all day. "Yoba, I'm so excited for the game."

You smiled, glad you could please your boyfriend so much. "I'm glad." You kissed the top of his head. "I love you, Al."

Alex sat up to kiss you. "I love you too."

You rode the rest of the bus trip in mostly silence, holding each other and listening to the sound of the vehicle bouncing along the serene highway. Sooner than later, the two of you arrived in Zuzu City.

The gridball game didn't start until six that night, and it was a little past four. You took your boyfriend's hand and led him towards the nice steakhouse where you had made a reservation. You knew steak was one of his favorite dinners and it would be the perfect way to start your romantic evening. 

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