Emily x Reader - The Perfect Match [🍋]

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🚩This contains a lot of smut, but the farmer remains gender-neutral so please enjoy at your own discretion. 🚩

You had come to the bar every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night since you had moved to the Valley. It had started as a good way to reward yourself after a long week, but quickly you found yourself looking forward to your visits for a much different reason.

Seeing Emily working at the bar was the highlight of your week. You would come to the bar more, but you didn't want to be too forward. You had tried to stifle your crush on her, but it was to no avail. The effortless, positive energy that she emitted was infectious, and it kept you coming back week after week.

You had been living in Pelican Town for a little over a year now. While you loved everything about your farming life, you had to admit you were lonely. You couldn't help but think about the happy-go-lucky barmaid every night as you fall asleep. You couldn't go on hiding your feelings for her. You needed to make a move. And tonight was the night.

It was a Friday, the Saloon's busiest night. This was the perfect opportunity to test the waters with Emily. The bar would be crowded, so there wouldn't be any eyes on you. It's the perfect plan. You stopped outside of the Saloon's doors nervously. I can do this.

As planned, the bar was abuzz with townspeople. Some recognized you and waved hello. You walked over to your normal seat at the bar, trying to disguise how nervous you are. Almost instantly after you sat down, Emily was in front of you with her notebook flipped open to take your order. "The usual, Farmer (Y/N)?"

"Uh, yeah." You smiled. It warmed your heart that she remembered your order: crispy bass with a side of fried mushrooms and a pale ale to drink. "Thanks."

She scurried off to put in your order. You were so nervous, how would you bring this up? You looked up to see that Emily had returned with your drink. "Here's your pale ale." She handed you the tall, opalescent drink. "So," she leaned over on the counter, resting her chin in her hand. "How has your week been?"

"Pretty good." You smiled shyly. "Better now."

This made the pretty, blue-haired barmaid grin in return. "How's the farm?"

"It's good!" You nodded, pleased to have her attention. "You really need to come out and see it sometime."

"Really?" She sounded so excited. "I would love that." You were so happy to hear her say that. "Actually," she continued as she looked up at the giant clock on the wall, "I get off of my shift in ten minutes, Gus owes me a favor." Emily winked. "Could we have dinner and go see it?"

Damn. She was much better at this flirting thing than you were, but you didn't care. This sounded amazing. "Of course!" You smiled, but  you quickly backtracked, trying not to sound too excited. "That sounds great, I guess."

"Perfect!" She squealed. "I'll meet you at that booth." She pointed to a table behind you. You grabbed your drink and rushed to sit down to save the seat. In a few moments, Emily returned with your meal, a new pale ale for you, a glass of wine for herself, and a survival burger for her dinner.

You expected her to sit across from you in the booth, but instead she sat right next to you on the same seat. The two of you ate your meals quickly, only talking a little before you left to go to your farm.

"I can't believe I haven't come out here before now." Emily grinned as you guided her through the town's square to the dirt path that led to your farm. 

This had been so much easier than you had imagined. "Me neither, we'll have to make sure you get out here a lot more." The only issue that you thought of was the fact that Emily was extraordinarily nice and welcoming (admittingly, one of the traits that initially drew you to her), so you couldn't tell if she was flirting with you or just being her friendly self. You prayed to Yoba for the prior.

You arrived at the farm and walked her around. It was starting to get dark, so most of the animals were already asleep. "Would you like to come inside?" You asked her, trying to be a little romantic.

"Sure!" She smiled and quickly followed you into the farmhouse. "This is so nice! It's very quaint." You blushed at her compliment. "Farm life seems wonderful. When I was younger, I always wanted to live on a farm."

A flicker of hope shot through you. "Would you still want to live on a farm?"

She thought for a moment before nodding her head. "Definitely. To be honest, it seems like the perfect life." She turned her head away. You always thought she was pretty, but it was only now that you saw how gorgeous she was as the yellow lantern light hit her soft features. You loved her, you needed to tell her. You started to say something when she looked back up at you and spoke again. "Es-Especially if the farmer was as attractive as you."

You were shocked. You were overjoyed. Did she really just say that? Your faces were inches apart as you whispered, "Any farmer would be lucky to have you." Hope flickered in her eyes as you reached your arms around her waist and closed the gap between you. "Emily." You breathed as you crushed your lips against hers.

Her lips were soft and supple as you kissed her, and they tasted faintly of berries. She wrapped her arms around your neck as she kissed you back. You let your hands roam around her waist, grabbing her at every angle. She tangled her fingers in her hair as she ran a hand down to your chest. She opened her mouth and your tongue slid in perfectly. You gently moved one of your hands down to her ass and squeezed it. She moaned softly into your mouth as a response. 

Quickly, your moved both of your hands down to her hips and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around your waist and you carried her through the house. Your kiss never broke as you pushed open your bedroom door and tossed her onto the bed. You climbed on top of her and continued to make out with her as passionately as you could.

You had hoped that, at most, you would get a kiss tonight. But the thought of knowing Emily liked you back would have been more than enough. As your crush hastily ripped off your shirt, you knew that you were in for so, so much more.

You quickly started undoing the buttons of her red dress to match the intensity. "Emily." You breathed against her neck as you squeezed her breast. You tore off the dress and found her lying in nothing but a lacey bra and thong. You ran your hand down to her waist, carelessly playing with the side of the thong as you continued to kiss her.

"(Y/N)," She gasped, begging for you to go further. "Please." You slid your fingers along the seam, getting closer and closer to her core. "I need it."

That was enough for you. You pulled off her thong in one fell swoop and ran your index finger along her clit. You felt her shudder beneath you. "Do you like that?" You whispered in her ear as you did it again.

She nodded, pain and pleasure overcoming her face. You did it once more before thrusting two fingers deep into her pussy. She let out a load moan as she clutched the covers beneath you. You started scissoring your fingers in her, listening to her moans as you caressed her breasts with your free hand and tongue.

You moved your hand a little bit, causing her to let out the loudest scream of pleasure yet. You realized what that meant as you aimed for the same spot again, gaining you the same response. "Did I find your G-Spot?" You teased as you hit it intentionally again. You continued to pump your fingers in and out of the barmaid as she squealed with pure estacity. You moved down to where you were working and quickly licked her clit, sending another wave of shudders through her.

"Ahhh!" She moaned, getting even louder. "I'm almost there, (Y/N)!" That was all you needed to hear as you felt her completely lose control of herself around you. Her legs tightened around your neck as you diligently pleased her. She came around you as you slowed down, letting her breathe after a surely intense experience.

"How are you?" You asked as you crawled back up to her in the bed. 

She nodded her head as she breathed, "Oh my yoba." She couldn't muster any more than that as she tried to regain control of herself. "Thank you, Farmer (Y/N)."

"Of course." You gently kissed her. It seemed like your long-fleeting crush was turning into something after all.

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