Sebastian x Scared! Reader - The Storm [☁️🤗]

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You had been down in the mines all day and hadn't realized that a storm had rolled into the Valley. You stepped tentatively outside of the cave. It was clearly a severe thunderstorm and by the looks of it, it wouldn't be letting up anytime soon. A loud crack of thunder sent shivers through your body. The hair on your arms instantly stood up. God, I hate storms. You thought to yourself. You were terrified by strong storms and did your best to avoid them.

You checked your watch to see it was just past five in the evening. You needed to head home soon. You were positive that your husband would have dinner ready by now, you didn't want to keep him waiting. You stepped into the rain. The cold droplets chilled you to the bone, but you kept going, running towards home. A flash of lightning and a crack of thunder in front of you stopped you in your tracks.

You were right in front of your in-laws' house in the mountains of the Valley. Robin wouldn't mind you stopping in to wait out the storm, but you wanted to get home to Sebastian so badly. Plus, you had no clue when the storm would let up. The idea of spending the night away from Sebastian was even scarier. 

Even though your husband wasn't particularly affectionate or cuddly, snuggling up next to him before you fell asleep was easily the best part of your day. You decided to face the storm and make it back home to Sebastian. You started sprinting, running up to the small wooded pass that led directly from the mountains to your farm. The rain was freezing and the thunder was deafening. You were high enough in the mountains still that you could feel the chill and humidity of the low storm clouds on your exposed arms. You looked to your left to see the few cars speeding past you on the dark highway below you. The mundane passing of the yellow lights on the highway gave you some semblance of peace in the middle of facing your greatest fear.

A bright flash of lightning and its twin-boom of thunder startled you again. This was too much. You were too close to home to turn back now, but you couldn't stay out in this storm for another second. You stopped in your tracks and started bawling. Your tears mixed with the rain covering your face as your wails of fear were hidden by the thunder ringing above you.

You needed to get home. Everything would be better as soon as you were back home. You could dry off and put on warm pajamas. Then you could read a book on the bed and pet your black cat, Ink, while Sebastian played online video games with Sam at his desk in the bedroom. Robin always commented about how the two of you didn't spend "quality time" with each other, but you and Sebastian loved being able to do separate things while still being "together."

Thinking about how much you loved being at home with your husband gave you hope to continue home. You were so close to the final turn of the path. Then it would be just a short walk until you reached the steps back down to your farm. However, the trek from the steps to your actual farmhouse was pretty far. The more you thought about it, the more you realized you were probably going to die out here in this storm.

I can't die! You thought to yourself as you reached the end of the mountain path. I can't leave Sebby. The thought of your husband being left all alone sent a surge of adrenaline through your veins. You started sprinting through the rain, tears still streaming down your face. You saw the farmhouse approaching in the distance. You were so close yet you felt so far away. Your feet started to slow down as you felt yourself begin to start bawling as you run past your barn. You could hear the sheep shuffling around inside. The storm must have scared them too.

If the sheep are scared, I should be really scared! You immaturely rationalized. They have all of those animal senses, they must know it's really dangerous! You felt yourself about to break down again. You looked up at the farmhouse. You saw Sebastian sitting on the rocking chair under your covered porch. He was reading a book, probably enjoying the weather. He loves thunderstorms, the complete opposite of you. You felt your legs start to tremble with fear and you realized that you wouldn't be able to make it back to the house.

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