Skylar and the Swan Witch

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Chapter 15

Jeremy paced around Tori's room. He was worried about his best friend, who was currently sitting on her bed casting a spell. There were bloodied tissues everywhere. Tori was holding a necklace Luke had given her on her birthday while she chanted some spell. She held it tightly as she continued chanting. He had managed to get Tori to let him into her room. After Liz informed Tori about his death, Tori had become silent. She simply walked out of the Salvatore's house, disappeared into her room, and had not stepped out of her room since. Liz, Damon, Stefan, and Caroline had tried everything they could to get Tori to get out of her room to eat, but Tori had spelled the door shut so nobody could get inside her room. Damon and Stefan had decided to find out information about Luke's death as Liz helped with the investigation, while Caroline tried everything possible to break into her sister's room.

It had been four days since Luke's death and three since Tori found out. Jeremy was laying in bed thinking about how he could help his friend when he received a text from Tori asking him to come to her house. So now Jeremy was pacing around Tori's room in the middle of the night because Tori requested him to help her in case her spell went wrong.

Jeremy watched as blood started dripping from Tori's nose. "T! You need to stop. Please?" Jeremy begged his friend. Tori ignored Jeremy's plea, even though that was why she had called Jeremy over, and pushed through the pain she was feeling in her head. It was not as bad as the pain she felt ever since she heard about Luke's death.

"Tori!! Dude, please. Stop," Jeremy freaked out when the blood poured out of Tori's nose like a faucet. He could see Tori's face looking paler than before, and he knew if she didn't stop, she would kill herself.

Tori tried to push through the pain, but she couldn't concentrate with Jeremy and the sharp, intense pain she was feeling in her head.

"Damnit... Damnit .....Damnit..." Tori said as she breathed out heavily, she had failed yet again. Tori lay on her bed holding a napkin on her nose as she tried to stop the bleeding. Jeremy rushed to her with a glass of water. "Here, drink this," Jeremy said as he handed Tori the glass.

"What the hell are you doing? T? You're killing yourself! " Jeremy yelled at Tori. Tori sat up, tossing the blood-stained paper napkin into the bin before taking the glass from Jeremy's hand and gulping it down.

"Tori? What are you doing?" Jeremy asked gently. He could see how truly heartbroken and tired Tori really was. He knew Tori better than himself; she was a person who kept everything inside. He hated that quality about her. He knew Tori had been through a lot. Ever since her parents' divorce, Tori has always put on a brave face and put everyone else's needs before her own. She hated showing people her emotions and never wanted to "burden" anyone about her feelings and problems. But now, Luke's death was the last straw, and Tori seemed to be falling apart.

"I'm looking for him," Tori told "Luke, he is alive somewhere and I can't, I can't find him." Tori said as she sighed in defeat. She was tired and her hope was fading with every attempt at finding Luke.

"Tori! It's been four days! Luke is dead, So, what exactly are you looking for?" Jeremy asked, confused

"J, he is not dead. Luke is NOT dead. He is out there somewhere. Okay, there is no way he is dead!" Tori said as she ran her hands through her hair

"I just need a stronger connection; this damn necklace is not strong enough," Tori ranted as she threw the necklace, which was responsible for her failing to find Luke, across the room. Tori stood up only to feel dizzy. Jeremy rushed over and held Tori, helping her sit down.

"T, you really need to listen to me. Luke is gone. I am so sorry, but this is not the way to mourn him. Everyone is worried about you. You didn't go to his funeral. This is not healthy," Jeremy told Tori. He hated that he was unable to help Tori.

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