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The battle that had continued on for quite some time had finally ended. The adrenaline that had been rushing through your blood had now left your system and now filled with exhaustion, you leaned on your claymore trying to catch your breath. The seemingly infinite amount of enemies that had surrounded everyone had finally numbered zero.

It had been a long and arduous battle. Numerous monsters had attacked many of them being monsters that you knew but many others were also unknown and unnamed. The sheer number had made the battle all the more difficult and risky even if they were weak. It had seemed that they never stopped coming. From small to large, they were all enemies that were extremely powerful together.

Just to survive, you had to use everything you had in your arsenal and that included the excess energy that Aether had gifted you a while back. You had fought until you couldn't stand and even breathing seemed like a chore.

Looking up at the dark sky that seemed to accent the feelings from the battle, you smiled, "Finally all done."

Trying to steady your breathing you came back to the realization that Aether wasn't by your side the moment you heard a loud boom in the distance. Looking up, the sky filled with blue and gold light. Paranoid flowing through you, you let your claymore disappear and started running towards where the light was coming from.

"Y/n," Paimon called out as she appeared before you. "Where are you going?"

"Stay with everyone Paimon," you looked towards the area where you knew Aether and Lumine were at. "I have to go check up on the twins."


"There's no time. They may need my help. I can't just leave them to fight alone."

Running, you left Paimon back in hopes that she would listen to your words. Once again feeling the adrenaline pumping you forward, you pushed yourself to run after. Imbuding yourself with anemo energy, you could feel your body lighten and the wind on your face. You continuously became faster with each step you made.

"Aether!" You shouted as soon as you saw the blonde hair boy give the final blow against his enemy.

Lumine following after him, she stabbed him in the heart and slowly, the body of the herald disappeared in gold particles. With the last delivery of the attack, the enemy who had been the mastermind behind the whole trouble in Teyvat was now defeated.

Aether looked down and you and flew to you completely enveloping you in his strong arms. Looking back at Lumine, Aether waited for a moment as the two seemed to have a telepathic conversation with one another. A few minutes had passed when finally, the other twin had nodded. Hugging you tighter, Aether put his chin on your shoulder.

"I'm so glad you're ok y/n," Aether whispered to you as you could feel his genuine love.

"Same," you hugged him back. "I'm so glad you're ok. I love you Aether."

His throat became seemingly blocked as soon as he had heard your last four words. He didn't have a reply as you could feel his arms shaking. Steadying him with a tighter hug, you pat his back.

"Do what you need to do," you slowly said, trying to think of the right words to say. "I'll wait here for you as long as it takes. No matter what, I'll wait for you. No matter what, I'll always love you. Even if I'm not by your side, I will always support you. After all, you're the one who stole my heart. You're the one I love the most in this whole world."

"What did I ever do to deserve someone as amazing as you," Aether looked at you and cupped your cheek in his hand after releasing you from the hug. "I love you y/n."

"I love you more."

"I love you most," Aether closed his eyes as he started to walk away from you and towards his sister. "I'll come back. Wait for me y/n. No matter what, I'll find you."

Hand outstretched, not ready for the moment that you had already expected, your eyes started to water. Even if you had said those words to Aether, it was still hard for you to accept the fact that he would be leaving and that you didn't know anything of the situation and why he was leaving. It was all a mystery to you and yet, all you could do was say bye and wait.

Not ready to accept it, you ran towards him and hugged him from the back. Tears rolling down your cheeks as you could hear him sniffling, you laid your head on his back and memorized his warmth, the warmth that had made you fall head first for him.

"Come back soon," you whispered as you couldn't seem to properly speak.

With that, the body's of Aether and Lumine started to disappear and in its place were two golden orbs. Flying into the sky without a care in the world, you were left alone in the ruins where the fight had taken place. Falling to your knees, all you could feel at the moment was the heartbreak of the one that had saved and gave you a reason to live finally leaving.

"I'll wait for you Aether so come back soon," you said to the sky wondering what Aether was feeling. "Don't make me wait for too long. When you come back, I expect the best from you and nothing less."

The two golden orbs finally disappearing from the sky, you felt lonlier than before meeting Aether. Wiping your tears, you stood up and walked outside of the ruin, You couldn't stay there wallowing forever after all. There was still a lot to do and the first thing to do was to accept.

Accept the situation and the position you were in now.

Walking back, you prepared yourself to explain what happened to everyone who was waiting below the Jade Chamber. Hair blowing back from the wind, your eyes turned serious knowing that it wasn't time to wallow in regret. It was time to stand strong and do what you had promised Aether to you would do.

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