Valentine Special

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Ah, it's the wonderful time of Valentines where all the couples have their moments and singles such as I remember how all my crushes don't exist in this real world. If it's the same for you, please come in and enjoy this little gift of dopamine. If you are taken, still feel free to enjoy.




"Y/n," Xiao placed his hand on your cheek before moving it to push your hair behind your ear. "Happy Valentines day. I'm not much for celebrating days like this but when it comes to you, I guess I'm fine with it."

Smiling at you, he held your hand and hugged you into his chest. Soon after, he released you and walked with you along the plains of Liyue as the sun started to set and lighted up the scenery in a golden light.

"I want to say how much I love you. I've never cared for humans as you have such short life spans but for you, I wouldn't mind giving you my heart. Let's celebrate this day together."

He held your hand tightly as the two of you continued to walk. Looking at your beautiful face, Xiao gave you one more smile before pulling something out of his pocket. Placing his hand on your hair, he twisted a strand and clipped a crystal fly charm carved into a butterfly on your hair.

Kissing your forehead, he whispered, "You're my world y/n. You have no idea how precious you are to me. My heart belongs to you forever and always."




Sitting under a tree, you and Kazuha looked up at the blue sky together as maple leaves fluttered down adding color to the picture you were looking at. Kazuha placed his hand over yours which laid on your leg.

"I love you y/n," Kazuha told you. "Even if the world ends, even if the wind stops blowing, even if the sun disappears, my heart is in your hands. You are the most important person to me and I want to cherish you for the rest of my life."

Kazuha stood up with his hand outstretched towards you. Holding his slightly calloused hand, he pulled you up to him before placing his hand on your hip. Turning with the wind, you stared at Kazuha's beautiful eyes as he stared back at you.

"Just like the wind dances around us, I want to be the one that dances around you to your song. Will you let me stay by your side for as long as we live?"




"Not bad, not bad," Childe chuckled as you hit him with the dull part of your blade.

Quickly backing away, the young Harbinger huffed from exhaustion as the spar continued on. Running towards you with his water blades, Childe grinned with adrenaline. Sword at the ready, you anticipated and waited for your opponents attack.

Before you could do anything, Childe made his water blades disappear and pushed your blade away and hugged you.

"Y/n," Childe hugged you close to his chest. "Have I told you how important you are to me? If I could, I would stay by your side and join you on adventures forever. I love every moment with you and when I'm by your side, that is when I feel the most happiness. I love you y/n. I love you so much."




Sitting down at the table, you waited for Thoma, the one and only care-taker of the Kamisato estate. He had invited you to his place for a dinner treat and had said that he was cooking something special for you and so here you were now waiting for him to bring the meal.

"Thank you for waiting," Thoma walked up to you carrying two plates. "Here is my little Valentine's gift to you."

Placing down the plate in front of you, there was a steak placed on top of a heart-shaped sauce decoration and along with that, it had wrote the words, 'I love you'.

"I know I'm usually really busy with my job in the Kamisato estate so I wanted to give you a little something special. Today, I'm all yours so let's enjoy this night together."


Yae Miko


"One time only," the shrine maiden Yae Miko chuckled as she looked at you with her mischievous fox eyes. "Just because today is the day of love."

Disappearing into pink smoke, Yae Miko appeared in your arms as a small fluffy pink fox. Looking up at you, she placed her tiny paws on your arm and licked your cheek.

"I hope you like this little gift from me to you on this special day," the fox spoke before jumping from your arms and reappearing in a human form. "Happy Valentine's my love."




"Happy Valentine's day," Ganyu said in her calming and quiet voice.

Holding out a gift, Ganyu blushed from her ears and looked away as you took it. Nervously playing with her hands as you opened it, she let a small smile form its way on her face as you carefully opened the present.

Inside the present was none other than a box of heart shaped chocolates.

"I made those for you," Ganyu looked at you with her light eyes. "It's made from cocoa and sweet flower since sweet flowers taste wonderful. I hope that you think of me as you eat those chocolates. I love you y/n."


My dear readers, I hope you enjoyed this quick quick Valentine shorts. Happy Valentine's and don't forget that somewhere out there, your soulmate is there (that is of course if you really want one). For me personally, I just need Xiao (and Ike) in my life. Who do you all simp for whether in Genshin or outside of Genshin?

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