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Slowly sitting down and still confused with the situation, Aether watched you look through the book. Surprisingly, the contents of the book were what you had dreamed about. More information about the mysterious "King". There were still holes in the story but it was definitely better than what you already knew.

"Where to start?" You muttered to yourself, thinking about all that you had done and discovered.

Would you start of telling him the reason you decided to partner with him?

Would you tell him about the mission?

Would you tell him about his sister and her connection to the Abyss?

Would you tell him what you had discovered?

Aether watched you in silence waiting for you to startt explaining. There was much to be considered and all the different ways of how things could turn out made you grow even worried. The worst ending would be that he would shun you and hate you for the rest of his life, something you couldn't bear especially since he was the one that opened your eyes.

"I-" you tried to start but to your fear, your throat started to clog up.

Your heart beating faster with anxiety, you closed your eyes and tried to calm down. This wasn't the time to freak out like this. You needed to be logical, not emotional.

"I came here because of a mission," you started, your eyes dark with pain.

Telling him the story of how your mission started and your connection to Lumine and the Abyss, you could see his fist tightening and turning white in frustration. You were sure there was a moment that he looked so angry that he nearly flipped the table. The only good thing that came from all of that was that the story started to flow out easier. It was like a stream that continued to flow. Unfortunately, his reactions were what you were expecting. Anger, doubt, and regret.

His reactions started to consume you as that soon enough became the only thing that you could focus on. Finally reaching the moment where you returned to the Abyss, he started to look empty, the thing that you had feared the worst.

"Aether..." You looked at him with concern after you finished your story.

"So was it all fake," Aether placed his hands on his knees in thought. "All those times that we had together? Was it all for your mission to get closer to me?"

"No!" You immediately exclaimed, aggressively shaking your head. "At first, I just approached you for this mission but then after spending time with you and getting to know you, things started to change. I-"

"That's nice to know," Aether gave you a small smile, it was downcast but still seemingly genuine nonetheless.

"I'm sorry about everything Aether," you held his hands in yours hoping to comfort the heart broken traveler that you had grown to know and love.

Aether continued to sit in silence before replying, "It's fine. There's nothing that you could have done about it."

Giving him some time to accept and acknowledge everything that had gone on behind the scenes, you two sat in silence, a heavy air of pain weighing down on you. As much as you wanted to give Aether time to process all that you had told him, he needed to make a decision on things before it would be too late.

"Aether..." You started.

He nodded as if understanding what you were going to say before you even said anything, "We need to get the to bottom of this before things get worse. I have to save my sister."

"Are you sure you're ready?" You asked him, concerned with how sad he still looked. "If you need time to get over it, it's perfectly fine and understandable."

"No," he shook his head. "I can't risk anything. I have to save Lumine before she gets herself into more trouble than she needs."

Following him quietly, you tried to get a read on his current feelings. Rather than the sadness that you had expected from him, he now had an aura of tenacity and resolve. Feeling him with a newfound sense of determination was contagious and you we ready to help him every step of the way.

Meeting Paimon not too far from where you and Aether had your talk, Aether had told Paimon all that you had told him. Giving her the short story of what happened, Paimon's face became a rollercoaster of emotions. From surprise, to shock, to fear and concern, to anger, you tried to hold back your laughter.

After the quick summary that Aether had given her, Paimon flew to you and gave you a giant hug, maybe to show how much she pitied you for all that you had gone through. Even though none of the things really affected you anymore after years of being an outcast and separated like the runt of the pack, you still felt genuinely happy from her affection.

The three of you ready for the adventure ahead, there was one goal in mind and it was to save Lumine. It was the sub goals that were the most trouble though. Between finding out the deeper story of the Abyss, stopping it, and destroying whatever plan they had, it would be one hell of a ride that you couldn't wait for.

Sword stabbing the ground, you summoned a giant magic circle and in an instant, the three of you disappeared.

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